When people sit around the dinner table prior to saying grace or shortly after saying grace everyone goes around the table saying what they’re thankful for. Most say they’re thankful for family, friends, being employed, food on the table, the preparer of the food or the Cowboys sweeping the Redskins etc. however, this year we at The Pretty Chic with the Pits are THANKBUL for more than the usual. We’re thankbul for our pitties (Sasha & Krusher),our son, Animal Planet (Pit bull & Paroless & Pit Boss) and most importantly Michael Vick. We are especially thankbul for our son who took the blinders off of us when it came to pit bulls. It was his passion and desire to help pit bulls and show us as well as the world how loving this bully breed is. We are very thankbul for MichaelVick for bringing to the forefront the plight of pit bulls; educating the public as to why this bullybreed receives the negative publicity they do because of ignorant behavior that Vick displayed with his dogfighting ring. We’re going to focus on the positive. Many positive things have come out of the Michael Vick.
Some of the good deeds include, The Pretty Chic with the Pits, our family being active in volunteering, educating, advocating and fostering pit bulls. Other good deeds from Vick's case are organizations receiving the notoriety, funds and volunteers needed to save the lives of this bully breed. Also, police and animal control officers, current pit bull owners, new and potential pit bull adopters are being educated as well as receiving training on how to handle pit bulls or pit bull type dogs. Laws banning pit bulls/pit bull type dogs are being repealed or abolished and the list goes on and on. Most importantly we’re thankbul for the love Sasha has shown our family. Sasha bullied her way in our hearts, she has given our family a new perception of what a pit bull type dog is and what they’re capable of. Sasha & Krusher have open the minds of many and bullied their way into the hearts of family,friends, the vet tech at their veterinary clinic who told us “getting a pit bull was a bad idea” to the trainer at PetSmart & Colonial K9 who was unsure of how “they would respond to training” and ending up being the top dog in their class. Krusher was all the trainer at Colonial K9 spoke about "how he was poised and unfazed by the insecure dogs around him." The trainer spoke so much about Krusher he had people who were normally petrified of pit bulls (because of what they heard or saw on TV) petting him and showering him with love. So this Thanksgiving we’re BLESSED, grateful and thankBUL for every pit bull/pit bull type dog, fosters, organizations that help to rediscover pit bulls and their loving nature, the nay sayers and owners of this lovely bullybreed! As you sit around the dinner table this Thanksgiving expressing what you’re thankful for do not forget to be thankbul/thankful for your beloved furever family member. ENJOY this holiday season...remember to love someone and a Pit BULL!
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