Micro-chipping has been debated for some time and in our opinion it's a no brainer. Show your pet a little more love by micro-chipping her/him. What is a micro-chip? A micro-chip is a tiny device that has either your vets or your personal information (name, address & phone number) that was registered, it has several identifying numbers that a scanner will pick up when it's ran across the pets body. A veterinarian or rescue organization will implant the micro-chip into the middle of the shoulder blade of the skin of the pet (cat, dog), there's no pain, discomfort or bruising to the animal. Why is it important to micro-chip your pet? Should the unfortunate happen (pet is stolen or lost) it makes it easier to find your pet once your pet is found. If your pet is picked up by shelter workers once at the shelter they will use a scanner which they run across your pets body. If your pet has a microchip the scanner picks it up, the information on the microchip shows on the scanner (vet, rescue organization or your personal information)and who's information is on the microchip will be contacted and your pet is home safely quicker. Unlike a leash, collar, name or any other "identifying" markings you can remember about your dog a microchip cannot be tampered with, falsified or removed.
We highly recommend micro-hipping your pet. Sasha & Krush are micro-hipped and the few pups we've rescued are microchip. It's another way of holding people accountable for their dogs actions. This statement is not meant to disrespect or offend anyone. We believe most pet parents are responsible. This statement is for those irresponsible individuals who for whatever reason abandoned their pups. There are plenty of stories from shelters and rescue organizations where pets have been abandoned for days, weeks months and sometimes years. There was a story recently of a family that abandoned their pup in Atlanta, GA. The pup was loyal, he stayed at the house that was empty for 3 years. He survived by eating scraps from the neighbors trash and a few neighbors feeding him. Had the pup been micro-chipped authorities would've known who the family and possibly gone after them for neglect. Thank God this story has a happy ending. The pup was finally taken to the shelter, the news reported the story and now the pup is happy with his new guardian in Ohio. A pet is a companion not a disposable garbage.
It is our belief micro-chipping should be mandatory, it's the same as having a license for your dog. Most cities, counties &municipalities require all pets to be registered, this helps keep track of pets and their rabies shot. There is a small fee to register your pet a please check with your city, county and/or municipality regarding licensing prior to adopting or buying a pet. There are many feel good stories of pets being found alive and well after weeks, even years of being stolen or lost. There was a story a local story around Christmas time last year of a family who lost their beloved pit bull over 8 years ago and the dog was in California. The pup had a microchip which helped bring her home to her family who was eager to be reunited. If that isn't reason enough we don't know what is. Prayerfully your pet isn't stolen or lost however, you can find solace in knowing if your pet is micro-chipped he/she will be found sooner than if he/she isn't.
If your pup isn't microchip and you're interested in getting them micro-chipped please contact your vet or the rescue you adopted from. If either of those are not an option for you here are a few companies you can contact (NOTE: most companies charge either a monthly fee or one time lifetime fee). Please do your research:
Pet Microchip Database: (individuals, veterinarians, shelters or rescues can register, good for US & Global search, $19.99 lifetime)
HomeAgain (endorsed by Betty White, for veterinarians & shelters, national database, lost pet alerts & travel assistance for found lost pets, annual fee $17.99)
24Pet Watch (offers pet insurance as well)
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Along this journey we've experienced the highs and lows of advocacy, fostering, rescuing, training, heartache of knowing many wonderful dogs losing their lives due to overcrowding shelters, uncaring owners, breed specific legislation and rejection as we've had the door slammed in our faces from other organizations. On the other side we've experienced tears of joy in watching our fosters walk into their new furever home. Occasionally we receive updates on some of our fosters progress which brings more tears of joy but, then there are those that "got" away, and we wonder their fate. There have been the occasional rescue which ends with that dog being trained and a furever happy home found. In our short time in the advocacy/training/rescuing world we've seen and been through a lot. As we often reflect on our journey one thing remains constant.....the "Paw Prints" all pups have left on our hearts and minds.
Pet Insurance
With all of the talk about healthcare there are plenty of questions to ask in deciding which plan is right for you. who's covered? what care is covered? what's the cost of having or not having health insurance? There seems to more questions than answers. The same goes for pet insurance. Most pet parents ask their friends, family members or their veterinarian which company is the best for their furbabies. We've been approached by several pet parents asking us for guidance as well. We are NOT veterinarians nor do we proclaim to be experts on this matter because we do NOT have pet insurance for our furbabies. The reason we chose not to have insurance on Sasha & Krush was due to the cost of the plans and how the companies choose what they will and won't pay for. Some companies would charge a higher premium because of the breed of dog (any dog). For instance a Boxer, which is a breed prone to getting cancer , their pet parent will be charged 3-4 times more than a breed which is prone to hip dysplasia if a company would offer a policy at all. We did find a company whose plan seemed great however, as we researched further (reading the fine print) and comparing other insurance companies we found their practices and cost were the same give or take a couple of dollars. Some company's charge more and give less and others appeared to provide more but did not justify the higher premium. We did not like paying out of pocket first for whatever the procedure and then have the company picking and choosing what they were or were not going to pay.
On the other hand we have heard wonderful stories about insurance and how much money it saved them and they are happy they had it when they needed it. Having a pet is and can be expensive no matter how well you take care of them. Please conduct your research, ask plenty of questions and read the fine print.
We have included a few insurance company's information.
VPI Pet insurance (most popular)
www.purinacare.com (allows you to compare their plan against other carriers on their homepage & covers dental)
Pet Insurance Reviews (highly recommend you read)
PetFirst (covers cats & dogs)
ShelterCare (covers cats & dogs)
Pet Insurance (very popular)
On the other hand we have heard wonderful stories about insurance and how much money it saved them and they are happy they had it when they needed it. Having a pet is and can be expensive no matter how well you take care of them. Please conduct your research, ask plenty of questions and read the fine print.
We have included a few insurance company's information.
VPI Pet insurance (most popular)
www.purinacare.com (allows you to compare their plan against other carriers on their homepage & covers dental)
Pet Insurance Reviews (highly recommend you read)
PetFirst (covers cats & dogs)
ShelterCare (covers cats & dogs)
Pet Insurance (very popular)

Monday, October 15, 2012
Holiday Travel with Pets
It's almost that time of year again. You know ...the holiday season! Yes, it's upon us already. Marketing executives are working overtime to woo you with their advertisements from clothing to cell phones to seasonal attractions. Pet stores advertise as well but, what we found or rather did not find, were deals for those traveling with their fury family members. We have received numerous e-mails asking for "pet" friendly venues (i.e. hotels, restaurants, airlines etc.). Although there are several sites that cater to pets however, what about mainstream airlines, hotels , or restaurants? Holidays are a time to take a break, relax and be thankful for what we have and what's most important to us...FAMILY!! Pets especially dogs are considered family as well. Many are forced to leave behind their fury family member at kennels or boarding facilities. There isn't anything wrong with these facilities as long as you're familiar with them however, if you're like us you want your fury family member to experience other places than your "neighborhood." We like to travel and we have family everywhere and what better way to have the best of both worlds but to bring them along.
We compiled a list of websites to assist in planning your holiday travels. Although we have researched the information provided please contact the hotel or airline for updated information prior to you booking a flight or hotel.
Official Pet Hotels
We compiled a list of websites to assist in planning your holiday travels. Although we have researched the information provided please contact the hotel or airline for updated information prior to you booking a flight or hotel.
Official Pet Hotels
http://www.officialpethotels. com
Beneful (wouldn't feed this to our babies however, they have good suggestions to include pet friendly beaches, ski resorts etc.)
Beneful (wouldn't feed this to our babies however, they have good suggestions to include pet friendly beaches, ski resorts etc.)
http://www.beneful.com/ Playbook/Travel-With-Your- Buddy
Petswelcome.com (caters to ALL pets)
Marriott Hotels (Dog)
Petswelcome.com (caters to ALL pets)
Marriott Hotels (Dog)
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Along this journey we've experienced the highs and lows of advocacy, fostering, rescuing, training, heartache of knowing many wonderful dogs losing their lives due to overcrowding shelters, uncaring owners, breed specific legislation and rejection as we've had the door slammed in our faces from other organizations. On the other side we've experienced tears of joy in watching our fosters walk into their new furever home. Occasionally we receive updates on some of our fosters progress which brings more tears of joy but, then there are those that "got" away, and we wonder their fate. There have been the occasional rescue which ends with that dog being trained and a furever happy home found. In our short time in the advocacy/training/rescuing world we've seen and been through a lot. As we often reflect on our journey one thing remains constant.....the "Paw Prints" all pups have left on our hearts and minds.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Another point of view
Two years ago I made a change in my career that brought me to meet a wild and crazy person who was definitely my opposite. Though we started off as opposites we have found a common ground and she has become a very dear friend. From birth I was raised around animals and have always been in receipt of an animal's love and devotion. I would tell stories at work about my animals and my opposite would always laugh and say I was crazy. I could never imagine her with any type of animal because it just wouldn't fit her lifestyle. That all changed in Feb 2011. She came into work and announced to us all that she had decided to adopt a dog. It wasn't just any ole dog it would be a pit bull. She proceeded to tell us about watching a tv show over the weekend and it had changed her mind about the breed. Here my opposite was excitedly looking through pages and pages of pit bulls that were up for adoption. When one finally captured her eye that was all she could talk about until adoption day finally came. She was showing picture upon picture of her new baby and not her kids. I was amazed at how she was starting to change and how we were no longer opposites. After a few months she decided she wanted another dog and adopted again. There again she was changing. I never expected the changes that would occur over the next several months to a year because of the love she received from these two pit bulls. Not only had she become a proud and loving pet owner but, she wanted to make changes. She jumped with both feet in to helping rescue organizations in VA to give other pit bulls the opportunity to have a better life with loving families. We all thought she was crazy but, it was something she now believed in because of the love of her dogs. She had to make this area better for pit bulls. She has become such an advocate for these animals and I couldn't be prouder. Here someone that was just my opposite a few months ago was rescuing and fostering dogs and now was traveling to my hometown in Charles County MD fighting against BSL. I was amazed at her devotion to this cause but, I knew it was all because of the love she received at home from her two babies, how could she look in their eyes knowing their brothers and sisters were out there not wanted in certain areas, needing homes and deserving of the love they were receiving. The love of a dog was changing her. Her next step was deciding to try and jump into working with animals full time and becoming a certified dog trainer. She has had doubts at times that she is doing the right thing but, deep down she knows it is something she wants and has to do. Why you say? Because of the love of a dog. Here someone has gone from being my opposite in not understanding the love and devotion I had for my animals to now knowing exactly what I speak of and feel. The love of an animal makes you change many things in your life. They are dependent upon us so there are times we have to change our sleeping patterns, lifestyle and schedule to fit with theirs. My once opposite has changed her entire life to be revolved around her dogs. She has jumped in with full force at making sure pit bulls in the DC/MD/VA area have a fighting chance of finding their furever home and are welcome wherever their families would like to go. So, here you had someone who was a hardworking single mother that liked to get her party on and didn't have the responsibilities of an animal at home that now has two pit bulls and is taking up fighting PG County and the State of Maryland to end their bans on Pit Bulls and Pit Bull Mixes. All of these changes she has been through the past year and half have been because of the love of two dogs!!! So if you want to know what true love and devotion is you need to find and adopt your pet soul mate so, you too know the love of a dog!!!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Fear….fear is defined as a feeling of anxiety and agitation caused by the presence or nearness of danger, evil, pain, timidity, dread, terror, freight, apprehension. Fear can be paralyzing and often the unknown brings fear, terror and apprehension. As humans God has not given us a spirit of fear, yet it’s prevalent in our lives. There’s this thing called a “comfort zone” we like. In the comfort zone it’s familiar, it takes care of our needs although our needs have been met and it’s time to move on. The moment we want to move on that four letter word pops up…FEAR. It tells you that you’re not good enough, you’re not qualified, you don’t have the skills, you have bills, you don’t have the leave, you don’t have the experience….the list goes on. The only thing that conquers fear is another four letter word….FAITH.
Fear can immobilize, paralyze, stagnate if we allow it to. When people hear pit bull or pit bull mix it strikes fear in the hardest of men. Why? These creatures breath, eat, need love, shelter, food and occasionally clothes, all the things humans need yet they are feared, hated, disliked because….. This same fear we’re talking about was in us and instilled in us by the media. Although we had NOT interacted with this breed we were petrified of this animal. This animal did nothing to us, had not harmed us or anyone we knew yet we feared them. We feared them because society told us to. The unknown is scary to us all. Many in society will not investigate things for themselves and the reporters know this and they report what they want. They will do anything to get the ratings even if it’s partial truth and that partial truth perpetuates fear. Some folks are comfortable with staying in fear, not willing to have an open mind and erasing the fear out of their lives. This is happening more often than not with pit bulls. They’re feared for what folks make them and not for their good nature, calm demeanor and need for love. It is because we have gotten over this fear that we find ourselves advocating, educating, training and now traveling to erase the fear people have. This past weekend we traveled to New Jersey for the 9th annual Paws for Cause event. Paws for Cause, is an awesome event raising awareness and funds to eradicate another fearful word….. cancer in animals. The event features various vendors, knowledgeable veterinarians about cancer and other veterinary care, a dog fashion show, treats, swimming pools and of course dogs of all breeds, sizes and colors. No one was fearful of what could happen, everyone got along, asked and answered questions, networked and all had the faith that nothing was going to go wrong. Guess what nothing went wrong! Yes, there was barking, sniffing, minor scuffles and none of them were by pit bulls. We’re not bashing any breed just erasing fear!
Fear can immobilize, paralyze, stagnate if we allow it to. When people hear pit bull or pit bull mix it strikes fear in the hardest of men. Why? These creatures breath, eat, need love, shelter, food and occasionally clothes, all the things humans need yet they are feared, hated, disliked because….. This same fear we’re talking about was in us and instilled in us by the media. Although we had NOT interacted with this breed we were petrified of this animal. This animal did nothing to us, had not harmed us or anyone we knew yet we feared them. We feared them because society told us to. The unknown is scary to us all. Many in society will not investigate things for themselves and the reporters know this and they report what they want. They will do anything to get the ratings even if it’s partial truth and that partial truth perpetuates fear. Some folks are comfortable with staying in fear, not willing to have an open mind and erasing the fear out of their lives. This is happening more often than not with pit bulls. They’re feared for what folks make them and not for their good nature, calm demeanor and need for love. It is because we have gotten over this fear that we find ourselves advocating, educating, training and now traveling to erase the fear people have. This past weekend we traveled to New Jersey for the 9th annual Paws for Cause event. Paws for Cause, is an awesome event raising awareness and funds to eradicate another fearful word….. cancer in animals. The event features various vendors, knowledgeable veterinarians about cancer and other veterinary care, a dog fashion show, treats, swimming pools and of course dogs of all breeds, sizes and colors. No one was fearful of what could happen, everyone got along, asked and answered questions, networked and all had the faith that nothing was going to go wrong. Guess what nothing went wrong! Yes, there was barking, sniffing, minor scuffles and none of them were by pit bulls. We’re not bashing any breed just erasing fear!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
When advocating hurts...
When will we stand as a people and hold those we elect responsible and demand change? There comes a time in our lives when a cause that’s close to our hearts forces us to get involved socially. That’s what happened to us a little over a year ago. With the fire burning inside of us to seek change and justice for ALL pit bulls or dogs that “resemble” a pit bull we took to social media outlets, participated in rallies, sat in committee meetings, wrote legislators, wrote proposed legislation, joined alliances with other advocates/groups, shared posts,answered e-mails from concerned pit bull guardians, and the list goes on however, change cannot come from the bottom, it must come from the top.
Pit Bull guardians have been under attack for many years and the attacks are relentless. The writing is on the wall this bully breed is not wanted and will not be tolerated. Time after time after time this sediment is evident. From the senseless killing of Lennox, who wasn’t a pit bull, justlooked like one to the overcrowding at shelters. Shelters and rescue organizations are overworked and underpaid, what keeps them going is the pure love for this animal. People are forced to make a decision for some is easy to make and for others the thought is debilitating, the decision to prematurely euthanize a beloved family pet/member or up root their family and find another place to live due to ignorance, fear and discrimination. Those that have the power to listen and make wise and correct decision refuse to listen to those that put them in power. Marylanders have been fighting this fight for a while, long before Maryland Court of Appeals handed down their ruling naming pit bulls “inherently dangerous.” They have been fighting the stereotyping of pit bulls in Prince George’s County since 1996 when pit bulls were outlawed. Mayor Joe of Laurel, Maryland has been fighting this fight and asked the now jailbird Jack Johnson to review and repeal the ban to no avail. The now County Executive Rushern Baker mentioned in his campaign he would change the environment at Animal Control however, when contacted by Mayor Moe and us aletter patronizing us is all we received. It was a letter hiding behindMaryland Court of Appeals ruling.
Maryland legislators had an opportunity to get it right for many renters, landlords and families to set the bar for the nation when it comes to pit bulls. Instead of looking at the all the facts and making a logical decision it was politics as usual.Yes, we understand the law would affect many people and they want to make sure they get it right but the legislators did not do that, instead they let the bill fail which means the court ruling stands. Many families will be impacted because of the lack of empathy and frankly lack of concern. To further solidify our position of those not caring, a follower of a known advocacy group had the pleasure of meeting Governor Martin O’Mally prior to the special session asked the Governor if there was a chance the pit bull ruling will be on agenda (at this time it was still unclear if the ruling was going to be on the agenda) per the gentleman who had the encounter with Governor O’Malley said the Governor said “he hopes not.” It is this kind of callus thinking many families will have to make that agonizing decision to uproot the family and find another place to live or take their family member to the shelter knowing her/his fate ultimately is death.
Pit Bull guardians have been under attack for many years and the attacks are relentless. The writing is on the wall this bully breed is not wanted and will not be tolerated. Time after time after time this sediment is evident. From the senseless killing of Lennox, who wasn’t a pit bull, justlooked like one to the overcrowding at shelters. Shelters and rescue organizations are overworked and underpaid, what keeps them going is the pure love for this animal. People are forced to make a decision for some is easy to make and for others the thought is debilitating, the decision to prematurely euthanize a beloved family pet/member or up root their family and find another place to live due to ignorance, fear and discrimination. Those that have the power to listen and make wise and correct decision refuse to listen to those that put them in power. Marylanders have been fighting this fight for a while, long before Maryland Court of Appeals handed down their ruling naming pit bulls “inherently dangerous.” They have been fighting the stereotyping of pit bulls in Prince George’s County since 1996 when pit bulls were outlawed. Mayor Joe of Laurel, Maryland has been fighting this fight and asked the now jailbird Jack Johnson to review and repeal the ban to no avail. The now County Executive Rushern Baker mentioned in his campaign he would change the environment at Animal Control however, when contacted by Mayor Moe and us aletter patronizing us is all we received. It was a letter hiding behindMaryland Court of Appeals ruling.
Maryland legislators had an opportunity to get it right for many renters, landlords and families to set the bar for the nation when it comes to pit bulls. Instead of looking at the all the facts and making a logical decision it was politics as usual.Yes, we understand the law would affect many people and they want to make sure they get it right but the legislators did not do that, instead they let the bill fail which means the court ruling stands. Many families will be impacted because of the lack of empathy and frankly lack of concern. To further solidify our position of those not caring, a follower of a known advocacy group had the pleasure of meeting Governor Martin O’Mally prior to the special session asked the Governor if there was a chance the pit bull ruling will be on agenda (at this time it was still unclear if the ruling was going to be on the agenda) per the gentleman who had the encounter with Governor O’Malley said the Governor said “he hopes not.” It is this kind of callus thinking many families will have to make that agonizing decision to uproot the family and find another place to live or take their family member to the shelter knowing her/his fate ultimately is death.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Where you at?
On Sunday, August 26th we held our second
event titled “Sips with Sweet Pits” benefiting Ambassador Pit Bull Rescue. Though the weather didn’t cooperate overall
the event was successful. There were several pit bulls attending the
event with their guardians as well as other breeds of dog. All of the
dogs got along, where playing and greeting each other nicely. The
guardians of these dogs were surprised to see the many adoptable pit bulls or
rescue dogs behaving themselves. The musician acknowledged this fact by
stating “how he was excited to see so many pit bulls on the premises and look
no one is being attacked.” One might look at his statement as being
condescending however, he was telling the truth. Upon entering the winery
with the adoptable dogs some patrons looked appalled the winery would allow
“that” breed into their establishment. After getting all people and dogs
settled the event and the day went well.
Our sister who was afraid of pit bulls due to the misinformation she received from the media was one of those that came out and supported us. Although we’ve had Sasha and Krush for over a year it was not until April 28th, at our inaugural event, “Pits & Pumps” Dog Fashion show that our sister mustered up the nerve and walked Krush confidently, boldly and quite stylish may we add down the dog walk. As she walked down the dog walk her wall started to come down and she started thinking that this bully breed might not be as bad as previously thought. However, her motto was, “we’ve changed her perception but, not her mind.” We were ok with that because once a person’s perception is changed you can change their mind. Krush and Sasha were doing just that for our sister as they have done with other members in our family and the community. To solidify the change in perception in her mind was when Krush saved our family from a possible intruder. Upon hearing the story her wall came tumbling down like the Berlin wall. Krush and Sasha had WON, another pit bull had changed the perception and mind of a productive member of society. Our sister attended “Sips with Sweet Pits” on Sunday to find her “Brutus” and of course support us. There were several pit bulls to choose from however, one caught her attention, grabbed her heart and would not let go. His name is Moosh aka Brutus to our sister. Moosh was all she could talk about, the entire family was excited about Moosh however, there was a dark cloud that loomed over the situation…the pink elephant no one wanted to talk about but, needed to be spoken on….our sister lives in a county that bans pit bulls. The ban has been instituted since February 1997.
Our sister who was afraid of pit bulls due to the misinformation she received from the media was one of those that came out and supported us. Although we’ve had Sasha and Krush for over a year it was not until April 28th, at our inaugural event, “Pits & Pumps” Dog Fashion show that our sister mustered up the nerve and walked Krush confidently, boldly and quite stylish may we add down the dog walk. As she walked down the dog walk her wall started to come down and she started thinking that this bully breed might not be as bad as previously thought. However, her motto was, “we’ve changed her perception but, not her mind.” We were ok with that because once a person’s perception is changed you can change their mind. Krush and Sasha were doing just that for our sister as they have done with other members in our family and the community. To solidify the change in perception in her mind was when Krush saved our family from a possible intruder. Upon hearing the story her wall came tumbling down like the Berlin wall. Krush and Sasha had WON, another pit bull had changed the perception and mind of a productive member of society. Our sister attended “Sips with Sweet Pits” on Sunday to find her “Brutus” and of course support us. There were several pit bulls to choose from however, one caught her attention, grabbed her heart and would not let go. His name is Moosh aka Brutus to our sister. Moosh was all she could talk about, the entire family was excited about Moosh however, there was a dark cloud that loomed over the situation…the pink elephant no one wanted to talk about but, needed to be spoken on….our sister lives in a county that bans pit bulls. The ban has been instituted since February 1997.
Our family knows how much we love pit bulls
and how we have been on the forefront of abrogating this ban from Prince
George’s County, Maryland. Now the fight
has become personal. After our sister
posted on facebook that she would be getting Moosh aka Brutus, posting pictures
and providing a play by play of her filling out the application; the pink
elephant in the room moved. She received
an e-mail from the rescue stating because she lives in a county that has BSL
(Breed Specific Legislation) she would not be allowed to adopt Moosh aka
“Brutus”. She was deflated and off to social media she went to vent about the
situation. Everyone showed their support
for her in this dark hour as they did when the sun shined. Many, apologized and others googled and
provided facts we already knew. A huge
debate ensued which we indulged separating fact from fiction. Our sister knows we have been fighting for
this ban to be abrogated however, it went in one ear and out of the other, now
that it affects her decision and the type of dog she wants it’s time to sound
the alarm. Where was this same passion
when we sent invitations to the public to come together to form a formidable
plan to take to the council members to review and repeal the ban. Many members in the community have suffered
in silence for so long, many animals are dying daily, many neighboring
counties, cities and states are suffering due to this ban, yet many that showed
support for our sister will do nothing to change the law that inevitably will
affect them some day. To all those that
sit on social media to vent instead of writing your council member, senate,
delegates, sheriffs, police, animal control etc. WHERE YOU AT? Stand up and
make your vote and voice heard.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Star Pupil & Ambassador for his breed
When adopting an American Pit
Bull Terrier from any rescue organization they’ll be the first to say and put
in print “make sure your dog is an “Ambassador” for the breed. When we
adopted Sasha we had no clue what that meant, all we knew was we had a dog and
not just any dog but a Pit Bull! Many family and friends weren’t happy with our
choice of breed however, it’s our life and Sasha was going to be an
“Ambassador” for her breed (whatever that meant). As family and friends
met Sasha their defenses surely came down. Then the light came on and we
finally understood what the rescue had meant.
Sasha stunned us and all she encountered with her smile and loving
demeanor. What a joy it was when our neighbors would stop us as we walked
Sasha some even allowing her to come in their yard to play with their children!
Not only was Sasha a local celebrity but, an “Ambassador” for her breed.
Many of our neighbors never encountered or interacted with a pit bull and
only knew what they heard and seen through the media. Here this white,
stocky, female dog who smiled while her backside wagged so hard she could
barely stand in one place was changing the mindset and perception of this bully
Then came a 5-month old hyper,
mischievous, reddish brown and white male pit bull mix. Clearly our family,
friends and neighbors figured we had lost our minds. The community was
accepting of one pit bull however; were we pushing it by adding another pit
bull let alone a male? Having a clear understanding of what an “Ambassador”
for the breed meant, we let Krush’s mannerisms speak for themselves.
Krush was no Sasha by any stretch of the imagination, he was younger,
hyper, had little to no regard for personal space, a nipper and he was jealous.
How in the world could this pit bull be an “Ambassador”? He appeared to be the
menace that the media screams about. We enrolled Krush in puppy training
when he was 6 months and who knew....there was an “Ambassador” in him.
Krush was the calmest, most respectful, confident, obedient, food driven
PIT BULL in the class! As the training went on, Krush continued to improve and
be the star pupil of the class. The majority of the dogs in the class
were German Shepherds and they were whiny, lacked confidence, and darn right
annoying (before folks get their panties in a bunch we love German Shepherds,
had one growing up best darn dog ever, Love you Tobi). When they would
whine, Krush would look at us as if to say what’s wrong with them. Krush became
the instructor’s favorite (we’re taught to try not to favor a dog or breed) dog
to use for demonstrations. You can only imagine the smile on our faces.
What solidified Krush as a true “Ambassador” was at the end of the class when
many of the other owners came up to us to say how impressed they were with
Krush and his behavior and how they wish their dog was as obedient as he was.
Many of them never interacted with a pit bull nor had any desire to
because of what they “heard” from the media. Krush smashed their negative
perception and changed their minds about pit bulls. What impressed
everyone even more was when they met him, Krush must’ve known they wanted to
touch his handsome self because he would stick his head out of the window to
allow them to pet him. That day we cried and our jaws hurt from smiling
so much. In the parking lot Krush was a true “Ambassador” and celebrity like
his big sister. Clients from the other classes would stay around for a chance
to met the “magnificent” pit bull named Krush!
Krush showed why he’s a true “Ambassador” in every sense of the word.
We’re in the final stages of our training
certification. During this phase we have to bring a dog that we’ve worked with
(our own or another) to see if we’ve been practicing our techniques as well as
get assistance on the nagging things that keep our pups from being all they can
be. Again Krush is called upon and he doesn’t miss a beat. As usual
he’s the only pit bull and the looks on the faces of the clients are priceless.
Krush walked in like any other dog and began to sniff around. Most of the dogs were off leash which helps
them socialize. Krush didn’t have an opportunity to roam free but he was
respectful and enjoyed smelling all of the new butts he was meeting. Class started
shortly after we got there and Krush shined as bright as the northern star.
The energy in the room was high however, Krush remained calm. There were a
few instances where he whimpered because he wanted to play however, after
receiving guidance from us, all was well. Krush knew all of the cues
including hand signals so he laid down watching the other dogs and their
handlers learn. Again the instructor/mentor was impressed with Krush so
she had to acknowledge him, which was another proud moment for us.
Finally we know and have a true understanding what rescue organizations
mean when they say “be an Ambassador for the breed” we have two “Ambassadors”
for this bully breed....Thanks Sasha & Krush!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Iowa's Sentator Steve King
Moving forward with our goal of helping the bully breed thrive, we have seen changes in minds and perceptions within our circle of family and friends. Now it’s time to change the world! It is disheartening when you have folks in power who are out of touch with reality. Recently, Iowa’s Senator Steve King is proposing an amendment titled “King amendment” (how egotistical) which will prevent states from developing anti-cruel standards regardless of whether or not local voters were in support of such measures. "It’s wrong to rate animals above human beings." There are many things wrong with Senators King’s statement but we’re going to focus on one aspect of it. No one is putting animals on a higher plane than humans because humans have the ability to remov themselves from dangerous situations. Humans have a voice and a choice, animals do NOT. Animals do not have voices that speak to someone (some may disagree, that’s another blog). Animals do not have a choice in which conditions they arrive or live in. Animals were put on earth to help cultivate the land, help ease loneliness by being a companion, helping children to read, and help humans to know and understand what unconditional love truly means. Animals help in many ways yet we have individuals such as Senator King, Maryland Court of Appeals, The founder of dogbite.org and many others attempting to silence these animals.... NOT on ourwatch!
We will continue to move forward and be a voice for this bully breed and animals in general. It has been well documented those that kill, maim, mutilate animals tend to be a danger to society. It’s safe to say Senator King is a menace and a danger to society with his ideology.
Let Senator King know how you feel about his ideology and proposed amendment:
1131 Longworth Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202.225.4426
Fax: 202.225.3193
We will continue to move forward and be a voice for this bully breed and animals in general. It has been well documented those that kill, maim, mutilate animals tend to be a danger to society. It’s safe to say Senator King is a menace and a danger to society with his ideology.
Let Senator King know how you feel about his ideology and proposed amendment:
1131 Longworth Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202.225.4426
Fax: 202.225.3193
Monday, July 30, 2012
A changed mind & perception!
It's a breath of fresh air to know you're making a difference and to see those that you surround yourself with make a change. This is how we feel. Late Monday night someone attempted to come into our house however, Krush wasn't having it. The most damage they did was taking a purse out of our vehicle. Let me add someone left the garage door open which lead to the incident. There were valuables in the purse that can be replaced. The alarm rang (Krush) and the perps did not get into the house. Why is this important? What does this have to do with a breath of fresh air? With all of that going on our sister has been warming up to the idea of loving Sasha & Krush (whether she'll admit it or not). After hearing how Krush saved the evening our sister was extremely impressed with our alarm and has decided to adopt an American Pit Bull Terrier!
This is a huge feat for our sister for she's scared of pit bulls and by the way media portrays them initially I was too. During our inaugural event "Pits & Pumps" dog fashion show our wonderful sister took Krush's leash (with the assistance of our son) proudly walked Krush down the red carpet. They looked smashing; it was hilarious because Krush did a double take (literally) when he felt our sister's energy when she took the leash. Again she was impressed with Krush which helped her to see pit bulls aren't savage beasts the media and others make them out to be. In her neighborhood there are plenty of American Pit Bull Terriers with responsible owners our sister encountered daily. Then it was Sasha's turn to spread the love. While at our sister's house one day she got the nerve to pet Sasha. Sasha being the true pittie she is, when our sister went to pet Sasha her entire body was hanging out of the vehicle ready to welcome our sister with open paws and plenty of wet kisses! Guess Sasha & Krush have done their job of changing perceptions & minds!!
Way to go Sasha & Krush we're so proud of the two of you!!
This is a huge feat for our sister for she's scared of pit bulls and by the way media portrays them initially I was too. During our inaugural event "Pits & Pumps" dog fashion show our wonderful sister took Krush's leash (with the assistance of our son) proudly walked Krush down the red carpet. They looked smashing; it was hilarious because Krush did a double take (literally) when he felt our sister's energy when she took the leash. Again she was impressed with Krush which helped her to see pit bulls aren't savage beasts the media and others make them out to be. In her neighborhood there are plenty of American Pit Bull Terriers with responsible owners our sister encountered daily. Then it was Sasha's turn to spread the love. While at our sister's house one day she got the nerve to pet Sasha. Sasha being the true pittie she is, when our sister went to pet Sasha her entire body was hanging out of the vehicle ready to welcome our sister with open paws and plenty of wet kisses! Guess Sasha & Krush have done their job of changing perceptions & minds!!
Way to go Sasha & Krush we're so proud of the two of you!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
It’s been a year since The Pretty Chic with the Pits was founded and what an incredible year it has been! It’s been a year of ups and downs, tears of joy and tears of sadness, fostering and rescuing dogs, volunteering, and advocacy! Within our first year many accomplishments were made. July 2011 started the ball rolling. The Pretty Chic with the Pits was founded due to the overwhelming need to protect this bully breed. After adopting Sasha & Krush the love we had for pit bulls was unimaginable. Never in our wildest dreams did we think a dog let alone a pit bull would set us free. That a dog let alone a pit bull would change our lives and take us on a journey of volunteering, fostering, advocacy, blogging, rescuing, traveling, fundraising and changing careers & minds! Along this journey we gained momentum from family, “old” and new friends, formed alliances with various people plus organizations and we’re just getting started!
What a difference a year makes! Happy Anniversary to The Pretty Chic with the Pits!!
What a difference a year makes! Happy Anniversary to The Pretty Chic with the Pits!!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Kemo, Piper & King Tut
The physical and mental anguish humans put animals through, especially our pets is inhumane. Since working at the shelter our eyes have been wide open and our hands covering our mouths after hearing the “reasons” one brings their "beloved" pet to the shelter. As we’re working with the dogs in the yard a car pulls up, a healthy, happy pit bull is taken out of the van and brought into the shelter. The feeling that came over us was despair, sadness and a sick stomach. The woman was in the office approximately 2-3 minutes, she comes out wiping the tears from her eyes; not wanting to judge we kept working with Kemo. After our session we were told the woman dropped the dog off after rescuing him from death row a year before ONLY to bring him back to certain death. Anger and confusion filled us, a brief discussion was had and it was time to leave. The dog being bought into the shelter replayed in our heads all night.
The shelter is closed on Mondays soTuesday rolls around and our usual routine resumed; we pulled into the shelters driveway, got out of vehicle, walked in the shelter only to be told Kemo & Piper the two dogs we were asked to work with had been euthanized. Tears filled our eyes immediately. As we attempted to gather ourselves to work with Danny (a fairly new pup to the shelter) it was evident our spirits were broken. Yes, we knew that dogs that go into the shelter usually come out in trash bags however, we were going to be the difference maker, and no dog was going to die on our watch. We’re trainers in training; we’re here to make a difference! What a smack in the face and a punch in the gut did we recieve? The shelter worker informed us more dogs were being bought into the shelter due to the heat. Although the shelter informed these people that the shelter did NOT have power due to the storm folks didn’t care and bought their dogs to the shelter.
Can’t help but wonder what hurt Kemo & Piper most the pain of the needle pricking their paw as the concoction of meds flowed through their veins to take their lives or the pain of their once beloved family member bringing them to the shelter for certain death. As for 6 month old King Tut, what hurt him the most? DC’s summer heat or being betrayed by mankind? King Tut was killed as he slept, a center block of concrete was smashed into his skull killing him instantly. The mental and physical abuse humans inflict on these animals are cruel and inhumane, yet these crimes go unpunished, these people are allowed to have pets and possibly repeat the same behavior yet these pets are left brokenhearted, broken spirited and forced to cross over the rainbow bridge far too soon!
Rest in Peace all of the pets that have crossed over the rainbow bridge because of the carelessness of humans! Kemo,Piper & King Tut your death isn’t in vain!
The shelter is closed on Mondays soTuesday rolls around and our usual routine resumed; we pulled into the shelters driveway, got out of vehicle, walked in the shelter only to be told Kemo & Piper the two dogs we were asked to work with had been euthanized. Tears filled our eyes immediately. As we attempted to gather ourselves to work with Danny (a fairly new pup to the shelter) it was evident our spirits were broken. Yes, we knew that dogs that go into the shelter usually come out in trash bags however, we were going to be the difference maker, and no dog was going to die on our watch. We’re trainers in training; we’re here to make a difference! What a smack in the face and a punch in the gut did we recieve? The shelter worker informed us more dogs were being bought into the shelter due to the heat. Although the shelter informed these people that the shelter did NOT have power due to the storm folks didn’t care and bought their dogs to the shelter.
Can’t help but wonder what hurt Kemo & Piper most the pain of the needle pricking their paw as the concoction of meds flowed through their veins to take their lives or the pain of their once beloved family member bringing them to the shelter for certain death. As for 6 month old King Tut, what hurt him the most? DC’s summer heat or being betrayed by mankind? King Tut was killed as he slept, a center block of concrete was smashed into his skull killing him instantly. The mental and physical abuse humans inflict on these animals are cruel and inhumane, yet these crimes go unpunished, these people are allowed to have pets and possibly repeat the same behavior yet these pets are left brokenhearted, broken spirited and forced to cross over the rainbow bridge far too soon!
Rest in Peace all of the pets that have crossed over the rainbow bridge because of the carelessness of humans! Kemo,Piper & King Tut your death isn’t in vain!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Trying Times!
The last couple of days have been a whirlwind of emotions from all of the organizations posting what appears to be hundreds of thousands of pictures of available dogs for adoption that will be euthanized within the next 24 hours to saving Lennox to a rescue organization closing it’s doors due to the lack of support from the community. Lennox is a male pit bull that was taken unlawfully from his owners because he is a pit bull! NOT because he’s a menace to society, NOT because he’s attacked or bitten anyone or another animal but because he's a pit bull. He was taken away because he’s a pit bull and the “potential” damage he could inflict if he were to attack or bite someone or another animal. We’re sick andt ired of folks judging and misrepresenting this bully breed. What’s funny to us is that these dogs aren’t a BREED. How can something that cannot be identified per se cause so much hate and discontent?
This dog like many others that resemble Lennox face discrimination, hate and pay the ultimate price with their life, yet those that have caused the hate and discontent walk around free to cause more hate and discontent. These individuals are not held accountable for their actions and instead of the powers that be taking a stronger look into punishing these individuals they’re thinking it’s easier to ban the dogs. With so many cities repealing bans on specific breeds it's safe to say banning a breed is NOT the solution. We’re not dealing with law abiding citizens, the majority of these individuals are criminals to one extent or another. What are we saying? If it’s illegal to have a particular breed it’s more appealing to these individuals and if they can’t or won’t deal with the breed of their choice the next step for them is to go underground or find another breed to victimize.
Our facebook page was filled with such sad faces and cases we chose to unfriend a few organizations because it was too overwhelming. No one said being an advocate would be easy however, being bombarded with such negative images wasn’t fueling us, it was doing the opposite, it made us feel inadequate, it caused us to doubt if ourefforts were making a difference. This is one job that is strictly volunteer and it is not for the faint at heart. Many days we’re holding our heads in our hands, tears streaming down our face asking why can’t we or someone help these dogs, ALL of the dogs? Many of our conversations consist us asking Why?Why are people so cruel? Why did this dog have to suffer? What did this dog do to deserve such fate? Who do we need to call? More questions very few answers. These are the questions we ask in these trying times.
This dog like many others that resemble Lennox face discrimination, hate and pay the ultimate price with their life, yet those that have caused the hate and discontent walk around free to cause more hate and discontent. These individuals are not held accountable for their actions and instead of the powers that be taking a stronger look into punishing these individuals they’re thinking it’s easier to ban the dogs. With so many cities repealing bans on specific breeds it's safe to say banning a breed is NOT the solution. We’re not dealing with law abiding citizens, the majority of these individuals are criminals to one extent or another. What are we saying? If it’s illegal to have a particular breed it’s more appealing to these individuals and if they can’t or won’t deal with the breed of their choice the next step for them is to go underground or find another breed to victimize.
Our facebook page was filled with such sad faces and cases we chose to unfriend a few organizations because it was too overwhelming. No one said being an advocate would be easy however, being bombarded with such negative images wasn’t fueling us, it was doing the opposite, it made us feel inadequate, it caused us to doubt if ourefforts were making a difference. This is one job that is strictly volunteer and it is not for the faint at heart. Many days we’re holding our heads in our hands, tears streaming down our face asking why can’t we or someone help these dogs, ALL of the dogs? Many of our conversations consist us asking Why?Why are people so cruel? Why did this dog have to suffer? What did this dog do to deserve such fate? Who do we need to call? More questions very few answers. These are the questions we ask in these trying times.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
The Power of Love
Love is defined as a deep tender feeling of affections for or attachment or devotion for a person or persons. We’re supposed to love one another, that’s one of the commandments in the bible. Not only are we supposed to love one another but animals too. Some may say animal lovers are crazy, insane or fanatics when it comes to the love they show their four legged counterparts. Love will make you do things you ordinarily wouldn’t do. As Al Green put it “love will make you do right, love will make you do wrong, love will make you come home early, love will make you stay out late.” The love one has for their pet can run deep. Love caused us to fight for a cause we otherwise would not have thought about. The power of love caused us to reach out to people we ordinarily would not reach out to. The power of love caused us to change careers. The powerof love has caused us to walk up to a complete strangers and provide them with suggestions/tips on walking their dog, interacting with their dog, what to feed their dog and what equipment (toys, walking harness etc.) would be best for their dog. The power of love caused us to help dogs in other cities and countries. The power of love provided us with a purpose, passion and desire to make a change not only in our lives but the lives of our family, friends and others both human and canines alike. The power of love bought our family and community together. Love has the power to change a negative to a positive. Try love today!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
It's so hard to say good bye
As a pet parent we enjoy the good and bad memories our pets give us. Some have had their pets from the beginning of their lives and others at a later point in their pets life. No matter what stage our pets came in our lives they provide us with many memories. Memories such as them opening their eyes for the first time to the first time they pottied outside. Like mankind memories are made daily. What happens when those good memories turn to making an unthinkable put necessary decision? The decision not to be selfish and let our furever familymember “sleep” eternally with no more pain, no more med and no more pottie pants because they can no longer make it outside to do their business. We can’t imagine that however, we know that day is coming prayerfully a long, long, long, long time down the road.
For some that decision is being made at this very moment. Someone is making that decision as we write this blog. A dear friend of ours has contacted us on several occasions with fear and agony in her voice asking for rprayer for her dog. Each time her furever family member cheated death and lived another day. After reading a heartbreaking story last week; a conversation ensued. Would we have the gumption to make the decision of allowing Sasha or Krush to suffer for our own selfish reasons or would we make the decision to help them crossover the rainbow bridge?” That’s a hard question to ask let alone answer. Prayerfully when the day comes for Sasha & Krush to crossover the rainbow bridge they’ll do so on their own in their sleep with no pain. As we write this the thought of it brings tears to our eyes. Who will greet us at the door and genuinely be excited to see us? Who will be at the top of the stairs wagging their backside so hard and fast they can’t walk? Who will we chase and scream "get out of the trash"? Who will help to keep us physically fit with the early morning wake up jumps on the bed because it’s time for their morning walk? Who will hog the covers? Who will leave angry boo boo’s in the middle of the living room when we can’t take them with us? Who will help keep our emotions in check? Who will help us educate and train others? Who will be our motivation? The questions are endless as are the tears that's flowing or flowed for those that know that feeling of how hard it is to say good bye.
When the time comes we pray we won’t be selfish or have to have make the difficult decision; either way it will be hard to say good bye to a friend, companion, confidant, a furever family member.
This blog is dedicated to all of the dogs that crossedover the rainbow bridge...you are loved and greatly missed! Love you Max!
For some that decision is being made at this very moment. Someone is making that decision as we write this blog. A dear friend of ours has contacted us on several occasions with fear and agony in her voice asking for rprayer for her dog. Each time her furever family member cheated death and lived another day. After reading a heartbreaking story last week; a conversation ensued. Would we have the gumption to make the decision of allowing Sasha or Krush to suffer for our own selfish reasons or would we make the decision to help them crossover the rainbow bridge?” That’s a hard question to ask let alone answer. Prayerfully when the day comes for Sasha & Krush to crossover the rainbow bridge they’ll do so on their own in their sleep with no pain. As we write this the thought of it brings tears to our eyes. Who will greet us at the door and genuinely be excited to see us? Who will be at the top of the stairs wagging their backside so hard and fast they can’t walk? Who will we chase and scream "get out of the trash"? Who will help to keep us physically fit with the early morning wake up jumps on the bed because it’s time for their morning walk? Who will hog the covers? Who will leave angry boo boo’s in the middle of the living room when we can’t take them with us? Who will help keep our emotions in check? Who will help us educate and train others? Who will be our motivation? The questions are endless as are the tears that's flowing or flowed for those that know that feeling of how hard it is to say good bye.
When the time comes we pray we won’t be selfish or have to have make the difficult decision; either way it will be hard to say good bye to a friend, companion, confidant, a furever family member.
This blog is dedicated to all of the dogs that crossedover the rainbow bridge...you are loved and greatly missed! Love you Max!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Our 1st Rally!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 was our first rally! We’ve seen them televised, some peaceful and some chaotic; no matter the reasoning, voices are being heard, emotions felt, tears shed, signs written, signs read, media coverage from every angle trying to capture the raw emotions of the crowd. We found out about the Pit Bull Rally in Annapolis, Monday, April 14th and the thought came across our minds if we were going to go or not. The rally was scheduled in the middle of the day and in Annapolis, Maryland, do we have the leave (still recuperating from Pits & Pumps) the decision was made that wewere going to attend the rally. Tuesday,May 15th we woke up to torrential rain and the report it will rain the majority of the day. Our spirits were dampened alittle yet we were at peace with the decision to attend the rally. Sent the kids off to school, went to work and when it was time for us to leave work we left. We were unsure as to what to expect considering it was our first rally.
Upon our arrival to Annapolis, Maryland there was an overwhelming feeling of excitement.
While looking for parking we saw the rally had begun. There were advocates with their dogs (one person a bull terrier and later a family with a black pit bull terrier), plenty of posters with pictures of beloved pit bulls. Some posters had pictures with family members to include babies and other young children. Many posters in bright colors read “Don’t Bully our Dog," “The only inherently dangerous about my dog are their farts” (we loved that, their farts are lethal), “Our dogs are our family.” Some posters showed dogs in their therapy jackets. As we walked up to the rally we were approached by a reporter from a local TV station out of Salisbury, Maryland, he approached us and asked if he could interview us. Our first rally and we’re being interviewed GREAT was the feeling. He asked the questions we obliged with respectful, well informed answers. It was a pleasure seeing so many advocates and pit bull guardians out in full force in the middle of the day.
As the rally officially kicked off the organizer of the pit bull rally spoke as well as a Senator and few delegates supporting our cause. As the Delegates and Senators walked by us one advocate an older woman said taught a few of the delegates and pointed them out even chasing one of them down to speak with the delegate about pushing for the pit bull issue to be put on the agenda of the special session. The atmosphere was electric! Everyone was respectful of each other, there wasn’t anyone there to oppose us,we were so peaceful the police let their guard down. A few of the Delegates and Senators didn’thave a clue as to why were there (they shouldn’t be elected next term) but the experience was great. Great networking opportunities came about, we learned about other organizations and a few advocates “liked” us on Facebook and others saw the pictures from Pits &Pumps Fashion Show! It was a great time with a great message for lawmakers and anyone who attempts to take our dogs rights away....don’t mess with us becausewe’re united & we’ll stand for our dogs and against you!
Upon our arrival to Annapolis, Maryland there was an overwhelming feeling of excitement.
While looking for parking we saw the rally had begun. There were advocates with their dogs (one person a bull terrier and later a family with a black pit bull terrier), plenty of posters with pictures of beloved pit bulls. Some posters had pictures with family members to include babies and other young children. Many posters in bright colors read “Don’t Bully our Dog," “The only inherently dangerous about my dog are their farts” (we loved that, their farts are lethal), “Our dogs are our family.” Some posters showed dogs in their therapy jackets. As we walked up to the rally we were approached by a reporter from a local TV station out of Salisbury, Maryland, he approached us and asked if he could interview us. Our first rally and we’re being interviewed GREAT was the feeling. He asked the questions we obliged with respectful, well informed answers. It was a pleasure seeing so many advocates and pit bull guardians out in full force in the middle of the day.
As the rally officially kicked off the organizer of the pit bull rally spoke as well as a Senator and few delegates supporting our cause. As the Delegates and Senators walked by us one advocate an older woman said taught a few of the delegates and pointed them out even chasing one of them down to speak with the delegate about pushing for the pit bull issue to be put on the agenda of the special session. The atmosphere was electric! Everyone was respectful of each other, there wasn’t anyone there to oppose us,we were so peaceful the police let their guard down. A few of the Delegates and Senators didn’thave a clue as to why were there (they shouldn’t be elected next term) but the experience was great. Great networking opportunities came about, we learned about other organizations and a few advocates “liked” us on Facebook and others saw the pictures from Pits &Pumps Fashion Show! It was a great time with a great message for lawmakers and anyone who attempts to take our dogs rights away....don’t mess with us becausewe’re united & we’ll stand for our dogs and against you!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Are Pit Bulls the only dog that bite?
In lieu of Maryland Court of Appeals last week which blindsided everyone; making everyone who knows of someone who’s a guardian of pit bulls responsible should the dog attack someone. Of course we’re being facetious however, that’s what it boils down to. Last we checked ALL dogs have teeth, which means ALL dogs have the capability to bite. The only person(s) that should be liable if the dog (any dog) attacks, nips or bites someone is the guardian of that dog. The landlord is not responsible because the landlord is not the guardian. This is another attempt to make this bully breed extinct. They’ve received unfair handshake for the longest and it's time for it to stop. There are many organizations that are fighting tooth and nail for this bully breed including us however, we cannot do it alone. We need the support of other advocates, guardians, shelters and rescues, lawyers and communities in general.
Putting band-aids on the situation will not make it go away. Saying these dogs are "inherently dangerous" is misleading, it's a lie and an unfair assessment. As much as we like to stay away from Michael Vick case this is a perfect time to bring it up. The 25 dogs that were seized have found homes and are thriving. Where’s the "inherently dangerous" side? These dogs were forced to fight for their lives yet with love, kindness and training many of these dogs are living in homes with families which include small children, other animals and are well socialized. Again I ask...where’s the inherently dangerous side? We can speak about our own pitties. Sasha was living with an ailing older pittie and a healthy pittie prior to us adopting her, although she’s picky about her doggie friends she hasn’t attacked anyone or other dog (well her Krush have had sibling rivalry but that’s normal). Krush's story is a little different, he was abandoned in below freezing temperatures at the tender age of 3 months, lived in a house full of dogs and other animals prior to us adopting him (he shows no aggression other food aggression once or twice but that's been nipped). Many organizations including us (Pits & Pumps Dog Fashion Show) have events specifically for pit bulls and no incidences occurred. Each dog is an individual and should be judged on an individual & behavioral basis.
Do pitties have the potential to be dangerous? Yes, does any dog have the potential to be dangerous? Yes, so is the answer to ban all dogs? of course no so why are pit bull being banned? Why are their guardians judged harshly and forced to live up to higher standard because of the breed they chose to love? Pit bulls didn’t have an option as to what breed they were bred into. Pit bulls didn’t don't choose their guardians and what they're guardians will have them do so why are they being punished? Why is humanity failing these dogs again? Lawmakers, judges, councilmen & women ask yourself this one question “Are pit bulls the only dog that bites?”
Putting band-aids on the situation will not make it go away. Saying these dogs are "inherently dangerous" is misleading, it's a lie and an unfair assessment. As much as we like to stay away from Michael Vick case this is a perfect time to bring it up. The 25 dogs that were seized have found homes and are thriving. Where’s the "inherently dangerous" side? These dogs were forced to fight for their lives yet with love, kindness and training many of these dogs are living in homes with families which include small children, other animals and are well socialized. Again I ask...where’s the inherently dangerous side? We can speak about our own pitties. Sasha was living with an ailing older pittie and a healthy pittie prior to us adopting her, although she’s picky about her doggie friends she hasn’t attacked anyone or other dog (well her Krush have had sibling rivalry but that’s normal). Krush's story is a little different, he was abandoned in below freezing temperatures at the tender age of 3 months, lived in a house full of dogs and other animals prior to us adopting him (he shows no aggression other food aggression once or twice but that's been nipped). Many organizations including us (Pits & Pumps Dog Fashion Show) have events specifically for pit bulls and no incidences occurred. Each dog is an individual and should be judged on an individual & behavioral basis.
Do pitties have the potential to be dangerous? Yes, does any dog have the potential to be dangerous? Yes, so is the answer to ban all dogs? of course no so why are pit bull being banned? Why are their guardians judged harshly and forced to live up to higher standard because of the breed they chose to love? Pit bulls didn’t have an option as to what breed they were bred into. Pit bulls didn’t don't choose their guardians and what they're guardians will have them do so why are they being punished? Why is humanity failing these dogs again? Lawmakers, judges, councilmen & women ask yourself this one question “Are pit bulls the only dog that bites?”
Thursday, May 10, 2012
“How could you?” is the title ofa story told by Jim Willis. It’s a story that’s part of our reading to becoming a Certified Dog Obedience Trainer through Animal Behavior College prior to entering the mentorship part of the training. Being compassionate people reading the first couple of lines we already knew what the outcome was going to be still the tears immediately filled our eyes and we had to put the paper down. Part of Animal Behavioral College curriculum is to save as many dogs as possible and that means going into shelters to work with the dogs there in an effort to make them appealing to those that visit the shelter in hopes of finding that furever family member. It took awhile for us topick up the paper to complete the reading as required. It’s heartbreaking to think this story isn’t about a particular dog but dogs everywhere that are “discarded” by their human counterpart for whatever the reason. Some of us reading this will say I’ll never do that to my dog and then their dog is now part of this story.
It’s important to understand and have a formidable plan in the event of an emergency or when “life happens.” We have two pitties of our own and prior to adopting there wasn’t a plan, we’re thinking as most do we’re going to be able to weather the storm no matter what. With the economy, it has caused many loveable pets to become abandoned. It’s natural for humans to take care of one another in time of need however, what about the pledge one took when they adopted their pet? The thought of leaving Sasha & Krush or having them put down because “life happened” is unfathomable. With Maryland Court of Appeals decion that the owner of pit bulls/pit bull mixes, the landlord and whoever else was aware the owner had a pit bull is responsible for any attacks the pit bull makes is ridiculous. The only person that should be responsible is the owner and again every situation is different and should be anaylzed and handled indiviudally. This decision sounds like genocide to us. The repercussions that will follow this decision will result in many beloved pets asking their owners and the veterinary technician administering the lethal dose of toxins “How could you?”
It’s important to understand and have a formidable plan in the event of an emergency or when “life happens.” We have two pitties of our own and prior to adopting there wasn’t a plan, we’re thinking as most do we’re going to be able to weather the storm no matter what. With the economy, it has caused many loveable pets to become abandoned. It’s natural for humans to take care of one another in time of need however, what about the pledge one took when they adopted their pet? The thought of leaving Sasha & Krush or having them put down because “life happened” is unfathomable. With Maryland Court of Appeals decion that the owner of pit bulls/pit bull mixes, the landlord and whoever else was aware the owner had a pit bull is responsible for any attacks the pit bull makes is ridiculous. The only person that should be responsible is the owner and again every situation is different and should be anaylzed and handled indiviudally. This decision sounds like genocide to us. The repercussions that will follow this decision will result in many beloved pets asking their owners and the veterinary technician administering the lethal dose of toxins “How could you?”
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
It’s your anniversary KRUSH!! So much has gone on in the month of April (we know it’s now May) but we didn’t want Krush to feel leftout. April 17th was Krush’s one year anniversary with us! The last year has been full of excitement, joy and mixed emotions, in the end it’s about love and education which is what we got when we adopted Krush. Unlike Sasha, Krush’s beginning wasn’t the best. He was tied to the front porch of his home in the dead of winter at the tender age of three months old. Although Krush was always big for his age he’s always been a cuddle bug. We know most pittie family members hear that but Krush really is a cuddle bug.
In the beginning it was difficult not to feel sorry after hearing his story and seeing how emaciated he was. When adopting Krush we were told about his food aggression (which we saw once or twice) but it’s been controlled and all is well. What took us back a little was his insatiable taste for shoes not just any shoes but my stilettos. We can’t begin to tell you how many pair of shoes he’s eaten. With every disciplinary action taken for the shoes he’s devoured were as many kisses we/Ireceived. He cuddles up and plops down as if he’s 25 pounds instead of 66 pounds. His green eyes, dark reddish brown wavy coat makes all the women coo, ohh and aww over him which is where he got his name Krush (besides him crushing my shoes). Krush has a laid back and superstar attitude. When he wants attention he’ll stand over you or attempts to get in the driver or passenger seat until you tell him to move or remove him yourself. His love for life and humans are uncanny.
There’s one story that sticks out the most as I travel down memory lane. Shortly after adopting Krush our niece was over and it was time to walk Sasha & Krush. Our niece was 8 years of age at the time and Krush was pretty big boy at 5 months old. Our daughter was walking Krush and there’s a pack of dogs behind a fence that always bark and carry on whenever we walked the dogs. Krush pulled and our daughter to let go of his leash. Krush runs to the fence where the dogs are and begins to taunt them. They’re confined to the small backyard. Our niece runs after Krush grabs his leash and Krush is running full speed, we’re running after them. Our niece is being drugged and Krush turns around to see what’s holding him back, when he realizes it's our niece he stops in his tracks trots back and licks her face and sits next to her until we get there. The scene was funny after the fact and of course our sister wasn’t too pleased but it goes to show how loving Krush and this bully breed.
The highlight of your anniversary Krush is having our sisterwho’s afraid of pit bulls walk Krush down the dogwalk at our inaugural Pits& Pumps Dog Fashion Show last Saturday, April 28th! How about that for ahappy anniversary?!
In the beginning it was difficult not to feel sorry after hearing his story and seeing how emaciated he was. When adopting Krush we were told about his food aggression (which we saw once or twice) but it’s been controlled and all is well. What took us back a little was his insatiable taste for shoes not just any shoes but my stilettos. We can’t begin to tell you how many pair of shoes he’s eaten. With every disciplinary action taken for the shoes he’s devoured were as many kisses we/Ireceived. He cuddles up and plops down as if he’s 25 pounds instead of 66 pounds. His green eyes, dark reddish brown wavy coat makes all the women coo, ohh and aww over him which is where he got his name Krush (besides him crushing my shoes). Krush has a laid back and superstar attitude. When he wants attention he’ll stand over you or attempts to get in the driver or passenger seat until you tell him to move or remove him yourself. His love for life and humans are uncanny.
There’s one story that sticks out the most as I travel down memory lane. Shortly after adopting Krush our niece was over and it was time to walk Sasha & Krush. Our niece was 8 years of age at the time and Krush was pretty big boy at 5 months old. Our daughter was walking Krush and there’s a pack of dogs behind a fence that always bark and carry on whenever we walked the dogs. Krush pulled and our daughter to let go of his leash. Krush runs to the fence where the dogs are and begins to taunt them. They’re confined to the small backyard. Our niece runs after Krush grabs his leash and Krush is running full speed, we’re running after them. Our niece is being drugged and Krush turns around to see what’s holding him back, when he realizes it's our niece he stops in his tracks trots back and licks her face and sits next to her until we get there. The scene was funny after the fact and of course our sister wasn’t too pleased but it goes to show how loving Krush and this bully breed.
The highlight of your anniversary Krush is having our sisterwho’s afraid of pit bulls walk Krush down the dogwalk at our inaugural Pits& Pumps Dog Fashion Show last Saturday, April 28th! How about that for ahappy anniversary?!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Interview with Lynn Heun from Lucky Dog Animal Rescue
1) How long have you been involved in animal rescue?
Pretty much my whole life. The dog I had growing up, Lady, was a lab/shepherd/hound mix adopted by my family when she was 6 months old. Her first owner had tied her to a tree when she was just a puppy. She came into our family and gave us 13 amazing years, and was an incredible companion to my parents, my 3 sisters, and me. Last year, my husband and I decided we were ready to bring a dog into our family. Having had a Jack Russell Terrier as his family pet growing up, he wouldn't settle for any other breed, and having grown up with a shelter dog, I wouldn't settle for bringing anything different into our life. That's how we ended up finding Lucky Dog and our pup Ollie.
2) How long have you been involved with Lucky Dog Animal Rescue?
adopted Ollie 1 yr and 3 months ago, and I started volunteering not long after that because my life had been so completely enriched by the work of Lucky Dog's volunteers and my dog. My adoption experience was seamless, well organized, and thorough, so I was surprised to find out that it's 100% volunteer based (even Mirah Horowitz, the founder and Executive Director, works a full-time job outside of all she does for Lucky Dog). When I learned that volunteers were the backbone of the organization, I wanted to get involved, and started out by handling dogs at weekly adoption events. Shortly after, I took in my first foster dog, and now I help coordinate events and screen adoption applications. Every layer of volunteers is crucial in saving lives and making happy adoptions happen, and I really enjoy the opportunities that Lucky Dog offers to do as much or little as its volunteers are able to fit in their schedules.
3) How do your core values of animal care fare with Lucky Dog Animal Rescue's mission?
Dog's adoption process is based on placing our pups (and kitties) in the best homes for them as possible, and knowing there is a place for every adoptable. Sometimes it takes a little longer to find a home for a dog that needs a second dog because of shyness, or on the flip side, a home without a second dog because of some reactivity.
What I love about Lucky Dog is they don't give up on their fosters. While some adoptions happen more quickly, sometimes it takes months, or even over a year to find the right family for a Lucky Dog. Sometimes that means when a dog is in our foster care they require extensive training or medical resources, but we don't give up on them. Our incredible network of volunteers, vet partners, and trainers make it possible to put every dog in the right home.
The other thing I love is that our forever families are equipped with resources to be successful, and the relationship with Lucky Dog doesn't end once the adoption contract is signed. I've had adopters come back to me months later with a question, or a training concern, and we are there to help them work through it.
4) With so many sad stories and the condition some animals come into Lucky Dog Animal Rescue how do you stay positive?
It's true that some of our dogs come from really sad situations, but when they become a Lucky Dog I know they are in a good place. We might not be able to save them all, but we have saved over 4,000 since our inception in 2009, and that's a really big victory. And with every transport of new dogs, I can't help but be overwhelmed with joy for the new life these dogs are getting. I don't know how my own Lucky Dog ended up in a high-kill shelter, but I like to think his story really began with us once we became his forever. Even to see all of our Lucky Dog in-shelter pictures and compare them to their faces at their first DC adoption event, it totally warms my heart. It's like the second they walk into their foster or forever home, know that it's the start of a new life for them.
5) Lucky Dog Animal Rescue is very active in the community how do you manage it all?
It takes a village, and we are fortunate to have an extensive volunteer network from as far north as Baltimore County, MD to as far south as Prince William County, VA. It helps that we have volunteers in many pockets of our area to help us reach a vast audience, but it also helps to have incredibly committed volunteers willing to do anything for our dogs. For example, we have some dogs who stay with a boarding partner in Southern MD, and one volunteer who consistently drives from is home in Fairfax to pick them up and ensure they get to events all over the map. It's really incredible the lengths people go to show their support for our pups.
6) Are you a guardian of pets (personally)?
Yes. I have adopted 2 cats (age 9 and 3). and my own Lucky Dog, a 2 year old JRT. We also usually play guardian to a Lucky foster dog (or as Ollie tends to think, a live-in playmate for him:)). Our current foster, a super sweet but slightly shy Dachsund/Shepherd mix, has been with us for a little over 2 months now.
7) How did you hear about The Pretty Chic with the Pits, LLC?
Thanks to Kelli's invitation to participate in the first Pits & Pumps event, which we are so grateful for and excited about!
8) What do you expect to come out of Pits & Pumps?
My hope is that people will walk away more educated, and therefore more accepting, about bully breeds. Lucky Dog works to adopt out all breeds of dogs, and we do face challenges with these guys because of county laws related to Breed Specific Legislation (BSL), housing restrictions about specific breeds, and a general unfair stigma that is attached to them. I had fostered a rottie/lab mix a couple months back, and people we encountered on walks were visibly uncomfortable to come near us, simply because of her looks. What they didn't realize was that she was a giant lap dog, and completely friendly to adults, kids, and dogs. Once people saw her in action at the dog park, or in her interactions with my nieces and nephew, their perception changed pretty quickly.
It kind of blows my mind that people are willing to assume that banning breeds solves a problem that really lies in irresponsible pet ownership (or in its worst form, abuse and neglect). And really, strong and energetic dogs like these guys aren't for everyone. But Chihuahuas, Border Collies, Australian Shepherds, and Jack Russell Terriers also aren't for everyone, and you'd be hard pressed to find breed specific laws against any of them.
We do careful additional screening with adopters interested in our bullies and rotties to explain the extra responsibility that comes with adopting one, and to instill a sense understanding about how important it is to be an extra good dog-owner so our adopted bullies can be ambassadors for the breed. It's really only a small portion of the battle, but I hope continued educational efforts in events like this help keep us on the right track in making forward progress.
Pretty much my whole life. The dog I had growing up, Lady, was a lab/shepherd/hound mix adopted by my family when she was 6 months old. Her first owner had tied her to a tree when she was just a puppy. She came into our family and gave us 13 amazing years, and was an incredible companion to my parents, my 3 sisters, and me. Last year, my husband and I decided we were ready to bring a dog into our family. Having had a Jack Russell Terrier as his family pet growing up, he wouldn't settle for any other breed, and having grown up with a shelter dog, I wouldn't settle for bringing anything different into our life. That's how we ended up finding Lucky Dog and our pup Ollie.
2) How long have you been involved with Lucky Dog Animal Rescue?
adopted Ollie 1 yr and 3 months ago, and I started volunteering not long after that because my life had been so completely enriched by the work of Lucky Dog's volunteers and my dog. My adoption experience was seamless, well organized, and thorough, so I was surprised to find out that it's 100% volunteer based (even Mirah Horowitz, the founder and Executive Director, works a full-time job outside of all she does for Lucky Dog). When I learned that volunteers were the backbone of the organization, I wanted to get involved, and started out by handling dogs at weekly adoption events. Shortly after, I took in my first foster dog, and now I help coordinate events and screen adoption applications. Every layer of volunteers is crucial in saving lives and making happy adoptions happen, and I really enjoy the opportunities that Lucky Dog offers to do as much or little as its volunteers are able to fit in their schedules.
3) How do your core values of animal care fare with Lucky Dog Animal Rescue's mission?
Dog's adoption process is based on placing our pups (and kitties) in the best homes for them as possible, and knowing there is a place for every adoptable. Sometimes it takes a little longer to find a home for a dog that needs a second dog because of shyness, or on the flip side, a home without a second dog because of some reactivity.
What I love about Lucky Dog is they don't give up on their fosters. While some adoptions happen more quickly, sometimes it takes months, or even over a year to find the right family for a Lucky Dog. Sometimes that means when a dog is in our foster care they require extensive training or medical resources, but we don't give up on them. Our incredible network of volunteers, vet partners, and trainers make it possible to put every dog in the right home.
The other thing I love is that our forever families are equipped with resources to be successful, and the relationship with Lucky Dog doesn't end once the adoption contract is signed. I've had adopters come back to me months later with a question, or a training concern, and we are there to help them work through it.
4) With so many sad stories and the condition some animals come into Lucky Dog Animal Rescue how do you stay positive?
It's true that some of our dogs come from really sad situations, but when they become a Lucky Dog I know they are in a good place. We might not be able to save them all, but we have saved over 4,000 since our inception in 2009, and that's a really big victory. And with every transport of new dogs, I can't help but be overwhelmed with joy for the new life these dogs are getting. I don't know how my own Lucky Dog ended up in a high-kill shelter, but I like to think his story really began with us once we became his forever. Even to see all of our Lucky Dog in-shelter pictures and compare them to their faces at their first DC adoption event, it totally warms my heart. It's like the second they walk into their foster or forever home, know that it's the start of a new life for them.
5) Lucky Dog Animal Rescue is very active in the community how do you manage it all?
It takes a village, and we are fortunate to have an extensive volunteer network from as far north as Baltimore County, MD to as far south as Prince William County, VA. It helps that we have volunteers in many pockets of our area to help us reach a vast audience, but it also helps to have incredibly committed volunteers willing to do anything for our dogs. For example, we have some dogs who stay with a boarding partner in Southern MD, and one volunteer who consistently drives from is home in Fairfax to pick them up and ensure they get to events all over the map. It's really incredible the lengths people go to show their support for our pups.
6) Are you a guardian of pets (personally)?
Yes. I have adopted 2 cats (age 9 and 3). and my own Lucky Dog, a 2 year old JRT. We also usually play guardian to a Lucky foster dog (or as Ollie tends to think, a live-in playmate for him:)). Our current foster, a super sweet but slightly shy Dachsund/Shepherd mix, has been with us for a little over 2 months now.
7) How did you hear about The Pretty Chic with the Pits, LLC?
Thanks to Kelli's invitation to participate in the first Pits & Pumps event, which we are so grateful for and excited about!
8) What do you expect to come out of Pits & Pumps?
My hope is that people will walk away more educated, and therefore more accepting, about bully breeds. Lucky Dog works to adopt out all breeds of dogs, and we do face challenges with these guys because of county laws related to Breed Specific Legislation (BSL), housing restrictions about specific breeds, and a general unfair stigma that is attached to them. I had fostered a rottie/lab mix a couple months back, and people we encountered on walks were visibly uncomfortable to come near us, simply because of her looks. What they didn't realize was that she was a giant lap dog, and completely friendly to adults, kids, and dogs. Once people saw her in action at the dog park, or in her interactions with my nieces and nephew, their perception changed pretty quickly.
It kind of blows my mind that people are willing to assume that banning breeds solves a problem that really lies in irresponsible pet ownership (or in its worst form, abuse and neglect). And really, strong and energetic dogs like these guys aren't for everyone. But Chihuahuas, Border Collies, Australian Shepherds, and Jack Russell Terriers also aren't for everyone, and you'd be hard pressed to find breed specific laws against any of them.
We do careful additional screening with adopters interested in our bullies and rotties to explain the extra responsibility that comes with adopting one, and to instill a sense understanding about how important it is to be an extra good dog-owner so our adopted bullies can be ambassadors for the breed. It's really only a small portion of the battle, but I hope continued educational efforts in events like this help keep us on the right track in making forward progress.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Love is defined as a deep and tender feeling of affection for or attachment or devotion to a person or persons.
Love Affair is defined as an intense or eager interest in something.
After reading and comprehending the definition of these words it’s clear that both of these words and definitions describe our emotions, love and love affair for American Pit Bull Terriers! Haven’t met one yet we didn’t love. Some say love is an emotion and others say love is a verb “action word” a philosopher we’re not however, if we had to chose it would be both an emotion and an action word.
They play on your emotions because you know what they are capable of; love, happiness, joy, companionship, healer and mind & game changers. Yet, they are so misunderstood and strike fear in those who never met them but want to ban them because of “possibility.” The possibility of what... them stealing your heart or kissing you to death? On the other hand they make you spring into action to save them from the terror of fighting, neglect, abuse, torture and death.
It is because of love & love affair for this beautiful bully breed we feel love and spring into action to save them whenever we can. Sometimes that means traveling, putting miles and miles on a vehicle, educating, training and a stern talking to the guardians. Whatever drives us to this bully breed we don’t know but what we do know is we have LOVE & LOVE AFFAIR for them!
Love Affair is defined as an intense or eager interest in something.
After reading and comprehending the definition of these words it’s clear that both of these words and definitions describe our emotions, love and love affair for American Pit Bull Terriers! Haven’t met one yet we didn’t love. Some say love is an emotion and others say love is a verb “action word” a philosopher we’re not however, if we had to chose it would be both an emotion and an action word.
They play on your emotions because you know what they are capable of; love, happiness, joy, companionship, healer and mind & game changers. Yet, they are so misunderstood and strike fear in those who never met them but want to ban them because of “possibility.” The possibility of what... them stealing your heart or kissing you to death? On the other hand they make you spring into action to save them from the terror of fighting, neglect, abuse, torture and death.
It is because of love & love affair for this beautiful bully breed we feel love and spring into action to save them whenever we can. Sometimes that means traveling, putting miles and miles on a vehicle, educating, training and a stern talking to the guardians. Whatever drives us to this bully breed we don’t know but what we do know is we have LOVE & LOVE AFFAIR for them!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Who's at fault?
Who’s at fault is something we’ve pondered for a while when it comes to American Pitbulls Terriers, StaffordshireTerriers, American Bulldogs and other breeds of dogs that are used for fighting? Is it the foolish folks that breed them to fight for their own idiotic non-amusing entertainment or is it the folks of this modern age that know better? With so many stories in the news regarding the many dog fightingbusts from our backyard to those across seas (Philippines being the latest),who’s at fault and what can we do to eliminate this blood sport?
Michael Vick went to jail for 23 months had his career taken away from him and continues to be ridiculed by the dog world yet Joe Blow down the street posts bail and all is forgotten until he gets caught again. Although there are laws that protect animals from cruel and unusual punishment they’re not being enforced regularly so who’s at fault? In Memphis,TN the head of the animal control is heard on tape saying “any dog that looks like a Pit Bull is to be killed immediately” from the agency the head veterinarian is interviewed by the local news anchor; when asked if they attempted to find homes for Pit Bull he admits “they do not actively seek homes for these dogs” who’s at fault for hiring this guy as well as the head of the agency who’s heard on tape saying killing any dog that comes in the facility that looks like a Pit Bull. This same agency has been linked to selling the same dogs they’re supposed to protect to a local dog fighting ring. With so much corruption going on in one city agency who’s at fault? Whereis PETA? Who’s at fault when these dogs suffer, abuse, neglect, prejudice atthe very hands of who’s supposed to protect them?
Where is the accountability? Where is the pittie family thatshould ban together to stop this foolishness? Where is PETA in all of this mess? They pick and choose their battle, which celebrity to go after however, forgetting about the very foundation in which they were founded on which is to protect the welfare of animals. Ensuring these animals have rights because they’re voices can’t be heard. It’s about political notoriety, seeing their name in lights, who’s at fault when those that need their voices heard the most are silenced by discrimination, folks desiring to see these animals extinct like dinosaurs? Once known as America’s dog, who’s at fault fortheir tarnished image, their down trotting spirit, the abuse they suffer because they’re born a bully breed?
Michael Vick went to jail for 23 months had his career taken away from him and continues to be ridiculed by the dog world yet Joe Blow down the street posts bail and all is forgotten until he gets caught again. Although there are laws that protect animals from cruel and unusual punishment they’re not being enforced regularly so who’s at fault? In Memphis,TN the head of the animal control is heard on tape saying “any dog that looks like a Pit Bull is to be killed immediately” from the agency the head veterinarian is interviewed by the local news anchor; when asked if they attempted to find homes for Pit Bull he admits “they do not actively seek homes for these dogs” who’s at fault for hiring this guy as well as the head of the agency who’s heard on tape saying killing any dog that comes in the facility that looks like a Pit Bull. This same agency has been linked to selling the same dogs they’re supposed to protect to a local dog fighting ring. With so much corruption going on in one city agency who’s at fault? Whereis PETA? Who’s at fault when these dogs suffer, abuse, neglect, prejudice atthe very hands of who’s supposed to protect them?
Where is the accountability? Where is the pittie family thatshould ban together to stop this foolishness? Where is PETA in all of this mess? They pick and choose their battle, which celebrity to go after however, forgetting about the very foundation in which they were founded on which is to protect the welfare of animals. Ensuring these animals have rights because they’re voices can’t be heard. It’s about political notoriety, seeing their name in lights, who’s at fault when those that need their voices heard the most are silenced by discrimination, folks desiring to see these animals extinct like dinosaurs? Once known as America’s dog, who’s at fault fortheir tarnished image, their down trotting spirit, the abuse they suffer because they’re born a bully breed?
Monday, March 26, 2012
Thou Shalt NEVER Trust Thy Pit Bull Not To Fight
A couple of weeks ago something tragic happened at our house, Krush & Sasha got into a fight. Rule number one in the Ten Commandments of Pit Bull ownership “Thou shalt NEVER trust thy Pit Bull not to fight” after all that’s what they were bred to do (not happy about it) but hey truth hurts. Sasha & Krush have had their sibling growl and Sasha letting Krush know she was here first and she’s the dominant one although Krush is bigger than Sasha. Correction in the dog world is expected and accepted by the dogs and humans. This however, was different...this was again human error. Muchd ebate went on in the household as to whether or not we should blog about this incident. The decision was made that we would. We don’t want to be hypocrites...if we report others we will report ourselves. We were getting ready to train Sasha & Krush when a member of our family thought it would be “funny” to put the treat bag around Krushs’ neck (Krush was neglected as a pup and has food aggression, which we had a handle on) the bag was full of treats and of course Krush was trying to get to the treats, Sasha went for the treats and a full fledged fight ensued. It was horrible, we were scared, everyone was scrambling, none of the techniques we saw Cesar do worked, all of the research on how to separate them didn’t work. Sasha &Krush fought from side of the room to the other, in the hallway and down the stairs. Finally, they were separated however, tensions were high on both sides. We were pissed at the family member and Sasha was ready for another round. Krush didn’t want any parts of Sasha. We were thankful their injuries weren’t as bad as they could’ve been.
This is what we advocate about ignorance! How could the very thing we advocate for happened in our home? How will anyone listen to us, join forces with us, believe in us? The questions kept running through our heads. It was a couple of sleepless nights and tensions ran high for a couple of days again on both sides. Finally we agreed it had to stop and walking with both Sasha & Krush resumes which seemed to make amends, however, we were still on high alert. It has been a couple of weeks since the incident, the physical scars both Sasha & Krush had have healed. They’re playing and enjoying themselves as if nothing happened. On the other hand the incident is fresh in our minds and as Cesar stated dogs live in the moment but it’s the humans that keep the incident fresh in our minds.
We learned something about ourselves and the situation.... it’s important to live in the moment and never forget to educate those closest to you as well as the public.
This is what we advocate about ignorance! How could the very thing we advocate for happened in our home? How will anyone listen to us, join forces with us, believe in us? The questions kept running through our heads. It was a couple of sleepless nights and tensions ran high for a couple of days again on both sides. Finally we agreed it had to stop and walking with both Sasha & Krush resumes which seemed to make amends, however, we were still on high alert. It has been a couple of weeks since the incident, the physical scars both Sasha & Krush had have healed. They’re playing and enjoying themselves as if nothing happened. On the other hand the incident is fresh in our minds and as Cesar stated dogs live in the moment but it’s the humans that keep the incident fresh in our minds.
We learned something about ourselves and the situation.... it’s important to live in the moment and never forget to educate those closest to you as well as the public.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Changing Minds & Careers
We’d never thought we would find ourselves in the middle of the ring in the biggest fight of our lives! We’re at a crossroads...What are we thinking? Surely you know we have a family, bills and a life? The reaction has been: you’ve gone too far and I’m not sure if I can stand by you on this. This was a conversation had when I decided to change minds which includes changing careers. After careful thought and many, many, many, many, many and many more conversations it was decided we would make the necessary changes to change the mindset, perception of pit bulls and change careers to do so. For better or for worst we’re in this together (ok sometimes one is in than the other) however, we’re together and we’re going to change the pittie world for the best!
We’re in training like Floyd Mayweather! Our sparring partner are the lawmakers, abusers and anyone who stands in our way. Back toschool it is for us as well as Sasha & Krush (they’re such good troopers). Our vision is armed with the proper information and right techniques those that find wonderful furever homes will stay in them! Besides training we’ll offer other resources for those that are unable to keep their furvever family member due to financial hardships. We’re building a community while strengthening the bond between canine and human kind while/perceptions & careers!
We’re in training like Floyd Mayweather! Our sparring partner are the lawmakers, abusers and anyone who stands in our way. Back toschool it is for us as well as Sasha & Krush (they’re such good troopers). Our vision is armed with the proper information and right techniques those that find wonderful furever homes will stay in them! Besides training we’ll offer other resources for those that are unable to keep their furvever family member due to financial hardships. We’re building a community while strengthening the bond between canine and human kind while/perceptions & careers!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Who saved who?
Who saved who? Many in the world of rescue ask this question. Those on the outside looking in don’t seem to understand this phrase or question let’s see if we can make it clear. Often times our companions, pets, furever family members come into our lives when we least expect them. Meaning we’re looking for something but don’t know what it is. Trying to fill a void but not knowing what’s missing.
Circumstance(s) have brought us together yet we don’t know why. We’re thinking it’s a picture, the sad story that goes along with the picture, being on our own fort he first time, needing a companion, needing a new love because the old is gone. Whatever the reasoning there’s a connection between us and I need to save you from your horrific current situation. Once in my possession feelings that weren’t there before are now here and have me feeling some kind of way. A way that I never felt before! All I seem to do is speak about you and all of the wonderful things you do, even the not so wonderful things you do. Everywhere I go, you’re there or I’m thinking about you and how lonely you must feel without me being there. You’re my new BESTFRIEND! I tellyou everything and when I’m not feeling so hot you put your paw on me, nuzzle/snuggle up and give me kisses only you can and all is well in my world again. You make the cloudiest day sunny!
The shopping cart is now filled with only the best food for you, treats, treats and more treats for you. And while we’re on the topic of shopping; can’t go past the clothing aisle without picking up a cute sweater or t-shirt that fits your personality to a “T.” I’m thinking I’m doing you a favor by taking you out for a walk to do your business but little do I know I’m getting stronger, lungs are opening up and filled with good air, my heart is stronger and my over allhealth is great (doctors love you for what you’re doing for me). Your silly antics keep me laughing which add years to my life. Your visits at the vets office provides you with a clean bill of health as well so we’re going to be together for a long time!. Being the first face I see when I get home from work or running errands brightens the day, snuggling with you calms my fears and walking with you gives me courage to talk to folks that I would otherwise not speak to. Having you in my life has made me a better person, a better mother, a better father, a better friend, a better companion, a more responsible child. The list goes on and on and the question comes up again who really saved who? I would have to say YOU saved me!
Circumstance(s) have brought us together yet we don’t know why. We’re thinking it’s a picture, the sad story that goes along with the picture, being on our own fort he first time, needing a companion, needing a new love because the old is gone. Whatever the reasoning there’s a connection between us and I need to save you from your horrific current situation. Once in my possession feelings that weren’t there before are now here and have me feeling some kind of way. A way that I never felt before! All I seem to do is speak about you and all of the wonderful things you do, even the not so wonderful things you do. Everywhere I go, you’re there or I’m thinking about you and how lonely you must feel without me being there. You’re my new BESTFRIEND! I tellyou everything and when I’m not feeling so hot you put your paw on me, nuzzle/snuggle up and give me kisses only you can and all is well in my world again. You make the cloudiest day sunny!
The shopping cart is now filled with only the best food for you, treats, treats and more treats for you. And while we’re on the topic of shopping; can’t go past the clothing aisle without picking up a cute sweater or t-shirt that fits your personality to a “T.” I’m thinking I’m doing you a favor by taking you out for a walk to do your business but little do I know I’m getting stronger, lungs are opening up and filled with good air, my heart is stronger and my over allhealth is great (doctors love you for what you’re doing for me). Your silly antics keep me laughing which add years to my life. Your visits at the vets office provides you with a clean bill of health as well so we’re going to be together for a long time!. Being the first face I see when I get home from work or running errands brightens the day, snuggling with you calms my fears and walking with you gives me courage to talk to folks that I would otherwise not speak to. Having you in my life has made me a better person, a better mother, a better father, a better friend, a better companion, a more responsible child. The list goes on and on and the question comes up again who really saved who? I would have to say YOU saved me!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Finding Purpose in our Passion
Passion is defined as any emotions as hate, grief, love, fear, joy, extreme, compelling emotions intense emotional drive or excitement. We’ve all experienced “passion” at one point in our lives (hopefully on the high side). Passion causes movement; it makes us get involved in whatever it is we’re passionate about. Some are passionate about cars, video games, sports, clothing, shopping, animals etc. It’s evident what we’re passionate about here at The Pretty Chic with the Pits LLC.
At one point we were scared to share our passion because its “unusual” in our culture or circle of friends to love our pets as we do. Everyone rejoiced with us when we adopted Sasha, it was almost expected for us to get a dog considering we’re homeowners. The excitement intensified with each conversation. It was all about Sasha, no more about the kids it was all about Sasha and what Sasha did or what we and Sasha did. Now we know how the young girl from the Brady Bunch felt when she said the infamous saying “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha it’s all about Marsha.” Sasha was the highlight of our lives and we wanted everyone to know about her. Sasha bought so much love into our lives that we decided to adopt Krush. The questions began: Why did ya’ll get another dog? Are ya’ll becoming hoarders? With the questions we began to feel a certain way towards those we thought supported us.
Still feeling more needed to be done we signed up to become fosters. That was it..it was the end of the world! “Ya’ll are doing too much; We’re going to call Animal Planet hoarders etc. is what we heard and faced from our circle of family and friends. To us it was apparent we were passionate and love the feeling of saving these dogs and putting them in loving homes. Again the feeling of not being accepted was a bit much for us so we became secluded and introverts which isn’t us at all..we are very much extroverts.
Everyone who would listen we talked about pit bulls and the love we and others have for them. Many have contacted us after we posted facts about pit bulls saying they didn’t know this or that and wow these dogs sound awesome. Then the next question comes...Why do they have such as bad rap? We explain and continue to educate & advocate for them. Some have jumped on the wagon others are ok with the information and keep it moving.
Finally finding our purpose was like being reborn again! We couldn’t stop thanking God for finally showing up and showing out in our lives and the lives of this wonderful, loving bully breed! Once we decided to not allow anyone to steal our joy we moved forward with our passion and to our surprise found was many who shunned or talked about us began showing their support. We have a vision, a dream, a goal & a PASSION and we’re running with our heads held high!
Stay tuned in there is much, much, much more to come in the very near future!
At one point we were scared to share our passion because its “unusual” in our culture or circle of friends to love our pets as we do. Everyone rejoiced with us when we adopted Sasha, it was almost expected for us to get a dog considering we’re homeowners. The excitement intensified with each conversation. It was all about Sasha, no more about the kids it was all about Sasha and what Sasha did or what we and Sasha did. Now we know how the young girl from the Brady Bunch felt when she said the infamous saying “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha it’s all about Marsha.” Sasha was the highlight of our lives and we wanted everyone to know about her. Sasha bought so much love into our lives that we decided to adopt Krush. The questions began: Why did ya’ll get another dog? Are ya’ll becoming hoarders? With the questions we began to feel a certain way towards those we thought supported us.
Still feeling more needed to be done we signed up to become fosters. That was it..it was the end of the world! “Ya’ll are doing too much; We’re going to call Animal Planet hoarders etc. is what we heard and faced from our circle of family and friends. To us it was apparent we were passionate and love the feeling of saving these dogs and putting them in loving homes. Again the feeling of not being accepted was a bit much for us so we became secluded and introverts which isn’t us at all..we are very much extroverts.
Everyone who would listen we talked about pit bulls and the love we and others have for them. Many have contacted us after we posted facts about pit bulls saying they didn’t know this or that and wow these dogs sound awesome. Then the next question comes...Why do they have such as bad rap? We explain and continue to educate & advocate for them. Some have jumped on the wagon others are ok with the information and keep it moving.
Finally finding our purpose was like being reborn again! We couldn’t stop thanking God for finally showing up and showing out in our lives and the lives of this wonderful, loving bully breed! Once we decided to not allow anyone to steal our joy we moved forward with our passion and to our surprise found was many who shunned or talked about us began showing their support. We have a vision, a dream, a goal & a PASSION and we’re running with our heads held high!
Stay tuned in there is much, much, much more to come in the very near future!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Enough is ENOUGH!
With so much going on in the world these days it’s apparent something in the atmosphere is amiss. War is all around us; people are mistreating and abusing people, parents killing their kids and people are being bullied to give up their beloved pet because they can. In light of the news of Nick Santino who committed suicide a couple of weeks ago after he made a decision (no pet parent should have to make unless their pet is terminally ill) to put his beloved, healthy, happy go lucky pet to sleep. Nick was forced into making this horrific decision due to the pressure and bullying of the apartment management company. They sent harassing letters to Nick Santino siting his dog was a menace, barking all hours of the night, siting other tenants in the building were complaining. Anyone that’s familiar with pit bulls know they are not barkers (they bark when barking is necessary). Rocco was not aggressive towards anyone, everyoneappeared to like Rocco and Mr. Santio yet a decision was made because of prejudice. After Nick made the decision to euthanizes Rocco, he came back to the same building that betrayed him and Rocco, knocked on the doors of neighbors giving away Roccos’ belongings. The same folk that did not come to the aide of either Santino or Rocco were being blessed by both. Many spoke out after the tragedies of both however, like the real world they spoke after the fact.
In the rescue world many believe our pets rescued us instead of us rescuing them. Nick believed the in this ideology as well. When is enough...ENOUGH? How many other Nick Santios have to endure the discrimination because of the breed of dog they chose? Who is going to be a voice for Nick, Rocco and many others that have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge before their time? Many cried, blogged about it, shared the story on facebook and twitter, what we want to know is how many are going to do something about it in their community, their home, apartment complex? What will you do should you be faced with this dilemma? Will you fold or be voice of change?
Speak up...be that voice of change!
In the rescue world many believe our pets rescued us instead of us rescuing them. Nick believed the in this ideology as well. When is enough...ENOUGH? How many other Nick Santios have to endure the discrimination because of the breed of dog they chose? Who is going to be a voice for Nick, Rocco and many others that have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge before their time? Many cried, blogged about it, shared the story on facebook and twitter, what we want to know is how many are going to do something about it in their community, their home, apartment complex? What will you do should you be faced with this dilemma? Will you fold or be voice of change?
Speak up...be that voice of change!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
What can we say about those golden arches? As a kid we loved to see McDonald’s!! We might not have been able to spell out names however, we knew what those golden arches said and don’t you dare attempt to distract us or act as if you did not see those golden arches! If you’re a parent as many of us are you know what we’re talking about because we’ve been there and done that? McDonald’s have come under fire for a while from the T.V. host who almost died from eating McDonald’s for every meal for 30 days (he didn’t make it to 30 days) to the pink slime and the latest blemish on the golden arches was an advertisement that aired in Kansas, MO where McDonald’s attempted to regain the publics trust by comparing the safety of their chicken nuggets to petting a stray pit bull, shaving your head bald or naming your son Susan. Please tell us what’s wrong with these statements? First it was apparent no one in the marketing department was serious, professional or thought about the consequences of their “thoughts” which became their advertisement. We are all familiar with the shame game. Let’s shame someone or something else to take the heat off of ourselves. This time it didn’t work for McDonald’s; actually it back to bite them in the worst way. As if people needed a reason to stop eating at McDonald’s or any other fast food restaurant. McDonald’s was overwhelmed by the backlash they received from the pitbull community. We are no longer going to sit on the side lines while our beloved breed of choice is bashed. We were one of many that contacted McDonald’s on their feedback line to inform them of how cowardly, tasteless,misinformed,misguided the advertisement was. A good tongue lashing is what they received from us and we were nice about it. After speaking with the customer service representative who offered no solutions, other than “we’re sorry, we didn’t mean to offend anyone” how in the world did McDonald’s not think anyone was going to be offended? You spoke about someone shaving their head not thinking that someone may shave their headd due toa medical issue? How did they not think someone may not be offended when their patrons or employees may have pit bulls as a pet? These are some of the questions we posed to the customer service representive who was stomped and reintegrated “McDonald’s was apologetic & they didn’t mean to offend anyone.” As if the conversation couldn’t get worse...it did the representative informed us she was a pit bull owner. Again I ask the question really? and how do you feel about the advertisement? Silence...exactly
As if these dogs don’t have it bad already, a very public figure attacks them to build their own self esteem...really if this isn’t corporate bullying we don’t know what is. We refuse to allow anyone to bully us, say negative and false statements regarding our dog or breed of choice. This type of thinking is what perpetuates the negative stereotypes. The Pretty Chic with the Pits and many other pit bull organizations fight against these stereotypes daily. If a highly visible organization such as McDonald’s think they can say these negative things and get away with it then law makers feel they don’t have to repeal or stop discrimination against these dogs or others. McDonald’s posted an half ass apology on their twitter however, this isn’t good enough for us. This isn't over...it's only the beginning!
As if these dogs don’t have it bad already, a very public figure attacks them to build their own self esteem...really if this isn’t corporate bullying we don’t know what is. We refuse to allow anyone to bully us, say negative and false statements regarding our dog or breed of choice. This type of thinking is what perpetuates the negative stereotypes. The Pretty Chic with the Pits and many other pit bull organizations fight against these stereotypes daily. If a highly visible organization such as McDonald’s think they can say these negative things and get away with it then law makers feel they don’t have to repeal or stop discrimination against these dogs or others. McDonald’s posted an half ass apology on their twitter however, this isn’t good enough for us. This isn't over...it's only the beginning!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Bridging the Gap
Fostering is filled with many emotions. It’s almost like being in a relationship,there are highs and lows. A dog comes into the care of an organization usually in bad shape (not always), needing shelter, food, love, medical care or all of the above. Foster families are the bridge between that animal receiving love, shelter, food and obedience until a furever family finds their companion, partner, life saver or all theabove. Most of the dogs that come in our care are abused, bruised and scared; then they come across that bridge, their savior, the person that shows them love, that reassures them and gives thems helter, food, and medical attention needed for them to cross the bridge of happiness, love, tenderness, confidence, training and obedience.
Bridging the gap isn’t always peaches and cream nor is it the pits (no pun intended). There are many cases that make you cry and some that make you smile and there are those cases which require a tough decision to be made as to whether a dog lives or dies. Bridging the gap means sometimes being there for that dog prior to her/him crossing over the Rainbow Bridge. No matter the reasoning behind us bridging the gap it’s pleasureable and painful standing in the gap for these wonderful creatures.
Get involved and you’ll understand what we mean when we say it’s pleasureable and sometimes painful!
Bridging the gap isn’t always peaches and cream nor is it the pits (no pun intended). There are many cases that make you cry and some that make you smile and there are those cases which require a tough decision to be made as to whether a dog lives or dies. Bridging the gap means sometimes being there for that dog prior to her/him crossing over the Rainbow Bridge. No matter the reasoning behind us bridging the gap it’s pleasureable and painful standing in the gap for these wonderful creatures.
Get involved and you’ll understand what we mean when we say it’s pleasureable and sometimes painful!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Control your dog...please
Had an experience this past weekend (Saturday, January 7,2012). While walking our newest foster a 3 month old pup name Peanut the president of our HOA, who lives across the street had his beloved Golden Retriever off leash in their front yard as they usually do to do his business and go about their business. Peanut smells him from across the street, the Golden Retriever sees Peanut and makes a mad dash across the street (it’s a main thorough fare) snarling and bearing his teeth. The neighbor says in an extremely low voice "come here whatever the dogs name is" he does this several times and the dog isn’t paying any attention to his owner. Peanut is standing his ground and wanting to play; the dog isn’t focused on Peanut he turns his attention to me. I stood my ground with calm and assertive energy as Cesar mentions many times on his show Dog Whisper; although I felt some kind of way. Anger started to build in me and at that point the dog finally runs back across the street to his owner as if all is well with the world. The neighbor then says to me “cute puppy.” It took everything in me not to say a few choice words that were on my lips.
This is not the first incident with this dog. Shortly after Sasha was adopted, while walking Sasha on her leash the same dog charged us and frightened Sasha and a fight almost ensued. We controlled Sasha and the neighbor’s wife was out at that time and called the dog, thank God we had control over Sasha more importantly Sasha was a leash and she controlled herself. An apology was given and life went on. During the walk it was discussed that if it had been the other way around meaning Sasha charged their dog or if Sasha would’ve reacted negatively our dog would’ve been at fault and life would be a living hell for us. Why is it ok for other dogs to be off leash, terrorize the neighborhood? A fake smile is givin and we’re suppose to be ok with that? It’s NEVER ok and it is the responsibility of ALL pet owners to control their pet.
Another incident happened when a dachshund charged Sasha out of the bushes, again Sasha was on leash and we’re walking minding our business. We turned around to walk away from the dog however, the dog kept pursuing Sasha. Finally, an older couple (the dogs owner came out) bringing their groceries in the house, they looked at us as if we caused a disturbance, barely apologized and kept it moving. Again, had that been my dogs the story would've been different.
The moral of the story CONTROL your dog cause mine is alwaysunder my control!
This is not the first incident with this dog. Shortly after Sasha was adopted, while walking Sasha on her leash the same dog charged us and frightened Sasha and a fight almost ensued. We controlled Sasha and the neighbor’s wife was out at that time and called the dog, thank God we had control over Sasha more importantly Sasha was a leash and she controlled herself. An apology was given and life went on. During the walk it was discussed that if it had been the other way around meaning Sasha charged their dog or if Sasha would’ve reacted negatively our dog would’ve been at fault and life would be a living hell for us. Why is it ok for other dogs to be off leash, terrorize the neighborhood? A fake smile is givin and we’re suppose to be ok with that? It’s NEVER ok and it is the responsibility of ALL pet owners to control their pet.
Another incident happened when a dachshund charged Sasha out of the bushes, again Sasha was on leash and we’re walking minding our business. We turned around to walk away from the dog however, the dog kept pursuing Sasha. Finally, an older couple (the dogs owner came out) bringing their groceries in the house, they looked at us as if we caused a disturbance, barely apologized and kept it moving. Again, had that been my dogs the story would've been different.
The moral of the story CONTROL your dog cause mine is alwaysunder my control!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Happy Anniversay Sasha!!
Happy anniversary Sasha!!
Today is a day of celebration and jubilation! On this day last year it was a Sunday and we were eagerly anticipating the arrival of Sasha Taylor Parker. It was the longest day of our lives. The harassment started many many years ago of asking and desiring a dog. A fight was put up however, we were worn down and decided to look into adopting a dog. A breed had not been selected until the Mike Vick case, our son & Villalobos, between the combination it was destined that a an American Pit Bull Terrier was going to become part of our family. After much research, reading and speaking with others that adopted this bully breed we felt comfortable with forging ahead with this bully breed. We contacted Villalobos regarding their dog Krunch however,after watching an episode about Creature and his many failed adoptions our minds were changed and we wanted Creature. Speaking to a co-worker who had 3 female pitties she told me about about a local organization that rescues pit bulls...Bully Paws. We contacted them before however, no one answered the phone and we let it be. She told me to try again, which we did after thoroughly researching them. We scanned the many photos of all the adoptabull pitties.
Our criterion was not stringent so we thought. We wanted a dog that didn’t require much training, NO puppies although they are so cute and cuddly, had to be energetic (thought I did my research cause this bully breed has nothing but energy), loving, cuddly and get along with children, love car rides for we’re a family always on the go and the dog had to get along with other dogs. Of course in conducting our research we were aware of why this breed was bred, which was for idiots pure entertainment by fighting other dogs and bull & bear baiting which was a huge concern however, our son had experience with these bullies and assured us with the proper upbringing we won’t have the that issue and the experts said the same. So the search continued and there was one dog that stood out...an all white American Pit Bull Terrier, her picture in the background was red and complimented her coat, something had her attention and it appeared to make her smile. Is she smiling we asked and laughed and kept looking at the other pictures. Personally, I wanted a male and one captured my attention however, everyone else was focused on the female that smiled at us. Her bio read nice, she wasn’t abandoned, abused or neglected but given up by force because the residence where her and her owners were living did not allow pets so she was bought to the shelter where she stayed for three month. At the time of her arrival at the shelter she was 3 months which meant she was in the shelter until she was 6 months and taken in by Bully Paws. By the time we saw her, Sasha was a little over a year. After many discussions and research we decided to put in an application. A response was provided immediately. A phone interview was conducted, our references were checked and a home visit was done. While all of this was going on we inquired about Sasha and another pup around the same age as Sasha. The foster mother of Sasha contacted us immediately and no word from the other dogs foster. Many e-mail conversations went back and forth regarding Sasha and our family. How she would fit in? What is her temperament? How’s her health? How is she with children & other dogs? Every question you could think of we asked. She was very patient and understanding that this was our first pit bull and honestly, I was still scared and nervous whereas everyone else was cool, confident and excited. Thinking out loud I said are we sure this is the right chose? There are so many other breeds that are “nicer” lets continue to look around.
Well time was running out because we received the phone call and heard “your application has been approved!” Are you sure? Yes, where would you like to meet? We can meet you at your house or you can come to the adoption event we’re having. You would’ve thought it was Christmas everyone was jumping for joy. The decision was made to bring her to our house. That was the longest day of our lives. It was a Sunday and Sasha and her foster mom were coming around 3:00pm. So much needed to be done but nothing could get done because of the nerves. The phone rang a thousand times asking if Sasha had arrived and what is she like etc. Literally everyone was on pins and needles with excitement. Finally, 3:00pm came no sign of Sasha and no phone call saying they were on their way or something happened. The anxiety was killing us and overwhelming. Then a car pulls up.... is it...could it be.....no it wasn’t....wait YES it is! All we heard was SHE’S HERE, SHE’S HERE!! Everyone runs downstairs, I’m upstairs praying we made the right decision. In comes Sasha as beautiful as her picture but a little bigger. Take her off the leash let her smell around. She was looking for my moms dog who passed in 2010 (he was hit by a car).
We now know why these dogs are called bullies. Sasha Taylor Parker bullied her way through the door and into our hearts. Her bottom and tail wagged so fast she could barley walk or stand. She jumped, gave kisses (the only way pitties know how to) and was a ball of excitement & energy. Her disposition was and still is sweet. She excelled in obedience training, loves absolutely loves car rides & children. Other dogs ummm we’re still working on that...Hey we can’t get everything we want! Happy anniversary Sasha, we look forward to many many many many more happy anniversaries!!!
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